9 unsuspected nutrients that boost your muscle gains by 25%

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Do you think that to gain muscle, you just need to eat lots of protein? Think again ! Certain micronutrients play a crucial role in muscle growth.

Discover these 9 unsuspected allies who will boost your earnings like never before.

1. Cholesterol, your best friend for muscles of steel

Are you avoiding cholesterol like the plague? Big mistake ! One study showed that the more cholesterol participants consumed, the more muscle they gained, regardless of their protein intake. So, don’t be afraid to bite into an egg or enjoy a steak. Your biceps will thank you!

2. Zinc, the guardian of your muscle mass

A zinc deficiency opens the door to muscle wasting. This mineral is essential for maintaining and developing your muscles. Problem: 31% of the world population is deficient in zinc, and this figure rises to 73% among athletes. Focus on oysters, beef, veal liver, chicken, shrimp and nuts to stock up on zinc.

3. Vitamin D3, your anti-injury ally

Do you use UV rays to get your dose of vitamin D? Great, but probably insufficient. The latest research shows that you should aim for a vitamin D3 blood level between 100 and 115 nmol/L for optimal health and performance. In winter or if you do not expose yourself enough to the sun, D3 supplementation is strongly recommended.

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4. Water, the most anabolic element in the world

Did you know that your muscles are made up of 79% water? Even a slight dehydration of 2% is enough to reduce your performance, your motivation and your muscle gain. Drink as soon as you feel thirsty, and aim for clear urine. 8 glasses of water per day is a minimum!

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5. Magnesium, your best bodybuilding partner

A true fuel for your muscle cells, magnesium boosts your strength and your testosterone while reducing your stress. But here it is: 50 to 85% of Americans are deficient! To boost your magnesium intake, eat fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans. Supplementation may also be useful.

6. Creatine, the turbocharger for your muscle fibers

Do you want to gain 2 kilos of extra muscle in just 6 weeks? Creatine is your ally! This muscle super-fuel increases your strength, power and mass gain. 5 grams of creatine monohydrate per day, and your muscles will be boosted in less than a month. Go for it!

7. Omega-3, the oil that greases your gains

Do you think omega-3s only help protect your heart? Fake ! These fatty acids also boost muscle growth by reducing inflammation, optimizing protein synthesis and boosting your testosterone levels. To get the most out of it, aim for 700g of fatty fish per week, or opt for 1 to 3g of EPA/DHA per day as a supplement.

8. Iron, oxygen for your muscles

Do you feel like you’re always flat in the gym? A lack of iron could be the cause. This mineral is crucial for transporting oxygen to your muscles. A deficiency can decrease your endurance, resistance to fatigue and strength. Focus on meat, fish and offal to stock up on iron. In the event of a proven deficiency, supplementation may be necessary.

9. Proteins, the building blocks of your muscle mass

Obvious, but so important! Without sufficient protein intake, it is impossible to build muscle. To maximize your gains, aim for 1.6g of protein per pound of body weight each day. Distribute them with each meal, and don’t forget your post-workout shake!

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So, ready to move up a gear in your quest for muscle?

Incorporate these 9 nutrients into your diet, and you will see the difference in your figure and your performance. Remember, consistency is key. Eat a balanced diet, train seriously, hydrate yourself sufficiently and get plenty of rest. This is the winning combination for a dream physique!

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