A puzzle for geniuses. It became a sensation on the Internet – WP Woman

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Vision tests, math puzzles and online puzzles can be tricky. It is no different in the case of a certain graphic with a circle and the number “5” in its center. This illustration appeared on the X platform and quickly divided Internet users.

Internet users eagerly browse the Internet, looking for new optical illusions and puzzles. Thanks to such puzzles, you can easily test your perceptiveness and whether anything escapes your attention.

The above puzzle appeared on the Internet a few years ago, but now it has been published again on the X platform (formerly Twitter). Almost immediately, users began to propose further answers and explanations about the mysterious circle.

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An online riddle with two answers

Internet users cannot agree on which answer is true. The image shows a circle with various digits and numbers, as well as the number 5 in the middle. There is one empty box on the right where you should put your solution. And this is where the problem arises.

Online users give two answers, although only one may be true.

Half of them give the number 25

, because 5*5 gives just such a result. In turn, the other half believes that the only right number

which should be in the window is 1

(because 5/5). Looking at the graphics, it can actually be concluded that both answers fit. How is this possible?

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What is the correct result?

There seems to be a rule in the given set of numbers. The top half of the circle contains the numbers we multiply by 5, while the bottom half contains the numbers we divide by 5. We can see that

both halves are separated by thick, horizontal lines

, which are an extension of each other. If we put 25 in place of the question mark, the rest would no longer match. This suggests that the lower half does not work by simple multiplication, since, for example, 10 * 5 does not result in 2.

This test for “geniuses” is actually a test of perceptiveness and noticing the smallest details. Were you able to answer correctly?

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Source: woman.wp.pl

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