A well-known ex-farmer called from the hospital: She was supposed to go for a HEART operation, but… Problems before the procedure!

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BRATISLAVA – The ex-farmer from Markizá has already talked about her heart problems. Now she is awaiting an operation that should improve her quality of life. Complications just before the planned procedure!

Former farmer Romana Koštalová spoke about her health problems two years ago. One day she had to call an ambulance because her heart rate was 130. The paramedics did an EKG and rushed her to the hospital. At 26, doctors diagnosed her with atrial fibrillation.

Gallery: Romana Košťálová

“Yesterday I was told in the emergency room that when my heart starts beating very fast, which is happening to me all the time now, it can get tired and start to fail. Well, with this information, when my psyche comes together, I feel like falling out, I’m sick and I’m going to make myself even worse, and that happened yesterday too.” she expressed at the time. The experts prescribed her a lot of medication, but also a lifestyle change. She had to give up alcohol and cigarettes and was also unable to exert herself physically. At the time, she made no secret of the fact that this discovery shook her psyche. However, after three months, the doctors did not have much better news for her.

“I was at the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases. The doctor told me I would have to go in for a cardiac ablation to get rid of all my fibrillation. It is a 4- to 5-hour procedure. They showed me how it works, it looks disgusting, because they will cut my thigh, insert a tube through a blood vessel into my heart, give me some electric shocks there to fix it. I’ll actually be conscious, so they won’t sleep me. That’s the terrible part. I don’t know which is worse – to be put to sleep or not to be put to sleep,” she described in March of last year the entire operation, which she was afraid of. D-day has just arrived and Romana called from the hospital yesterday. “Keep your fingers crossed, I’m having surgery today,” she wrote on Monday morning. “The surgery is tomorrow,” she called later with new information. She did not say why the procedure was postponed. However, we believe that everything will be fine.

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