Al-Arabi: Feasibility study of ending unmet needs for family planning interventions improves maternal and child health

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The National Planning Institute intends to launch the report: “An Economic Feasibility Study to End the Unmet Needs for Family Planning Interventions in Egypt” in cooperation with the United Nations Population Fund, on Sunday, April 21, 2024 at the Institute’s headquarters, within the framework of the Institute’s keenness to raise community awareness of sustainable development issues by employing… Evidence-based research.

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The report’s launch ceremony will witness the presence of Dr. Ashraf El-Arabi, President of the National Planning Institute, Dr. Hala Abu Ali, Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences and head of the research team, Dr. Maha Al-Rabbat, former Minister of Health and Population, and Dr. Tariq Tawfiq, Deputy Minister of Health and Population for Population Affairs. Mai Farid, Assistant Minister of Finance for Economic Justice and Acting Executive Director of the Comprehensive Health Insurance Authority, Major General Abu Bakr El Gendy, former Minister of Local Development and former Head of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, and Germaine Haddad, Acting Representative of the United Nations Population Fund in Egypt, in addition to a distinguished group of experts. Ambassadors and international donors.

In this context, Dr. Ashraf El-Arabi, head of the National Planning Institute, explained that studying the feasibility of ending the unmet needs for family planning interventions is extremely important for society as a whole, as it contributes to improving the health of the mother and child, and the well-being of the family. It also contributes to reducing maternal mortality rates and reducing poverty rates. It also provides more opportunities to achieve gender equality and enhances productivity.

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While Dr. Hala Abu Ali, former Vice President of the Institute for Research and Graduate Studies and head of the research team, indicated that the study is one of the pivotal studies that may help determine the most cost-effective solutions to confront these challenges in light of limited resources, by emphasizing the returns. Economic and social measures to address these issues, and calculate the cost-benefit or cost-effectiveness, which contributes to reducing maternal mortality, enhancing access to family planning services, and reducing gender-based violence.

It is worth noting that the report’s launch ceremony will witness the presentation of the report’s findings and recommendations on investment opportunities in family planning and the financial requirements to address unmet needs in Egypt, in addition to enriching the discussion with key stakeholders and experts, which contributes to formulating future initiatives in this field.

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