Bas Smit starts lawsuit against Coca-Cola for not paying 2.6 MILLION for promotional activities

#Bas #Smit #starts #lawsuit #CocaCola #paying #MILLION #promotional #activities


To do this, they had to appear at parties 5 times

We now know that influencers sometimes rake in money like water, but after today we also know how much Bas Smit and Nicolette van Dam get paid for showing up at parties. Bas has started a lawsuit against Coca-Cola because they do not want to pay. They would have to appear at 5 parties and have their picture taken while happily drinking Coca-Cola, and in return they would receive TWO POINT SIX MILLION EURO.

Let that sink in for a moment. Yes, just calculate how much that is per party.

Completely insane, but it gets even crazier: 4 out of 5 appointments were canceled and in the end they only had to appear at Tomorrowland. Yet the couple said they had “already adjusted their income pattern to that money and, among other things, hired an au pair”. You can really shoot us completely, but hey, reason enough for Smit and Van Dam to take the company to court.

The payment agreement was made with a manager who worked at Coca-Cola, and was confirmed both verbally and via WhatsApp. A representative of Van Dam and Smit has indicated that these agreements have also been shared with various other employees via email and app.

Coca-Cola suspects that there was collusion with the employee, who has since been fired, with whom the appointment was made. It is suggested that there were also private ties between the three, but Smit and Van Dam deny this. “It is true that they live close to each other, but that is common in that area. It was mainly about a good business relationship,” they say. To be continued…..

Also Read:  'He used his car as a weapon'

Miljuschka explains: these types of amounts are not normal

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