Benefit of drinking beer

#Benefit #drinking #beer

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The relationship between moderate beer consumption, cardiovascular risk factors, diet and physical activity. According to its researchers, People who regularly consumed beer moderately had a lower incidence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension, as well as higher (well) rates than non-drinkers.

Rich in vitamins, proteins, folic acid and antioxidants, some studies suggest that moderate consumption is associated with benefits cardiovascular, bone health and even against obesity. Of course, always within a balanced diet.

Folic acid

A nutritional analysis will tell us, for example, that it has more folic acid or vitamin B9. than milk, infusions and peach or grape juice, but less than orange juice: 15 micrograms per 100 milliliters.

This is an essential lipid for our metabolism and, therefore, It is usually the protagonist of the supposedly beneficial attributes given to beer.

Indeed, beer has a “high” content in protein (for a drink), with about 0.5 g per 100.

Carbohydrates and other sugars

Although there are various sugars that are essential for the fermentation of beer, Precisely for this reason, finally, their final content is almost zero (they have been converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide, roughly speaking).


Benefit of drinking beer.

This can vary depending on the type of drink, of course. On the other hand, we can find “carbohydrates”, other sugars, cas soluble vegetable fibers added or arising as part of the manufacturing process.

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Minerals, vitamins and other nutrients

Beer is surprisingly rich in minerals such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, bioavailable silicon, potassium, zinc and sodium. In addition, in it we will find various antioxidant polyphenols and a few vitamins of group B and C.

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Benefit of consuming beer

  • Folic acid.
  • Proteins.
  • Carbohydrates, some in the form of soluble fiber.
  • Minerals such as phosphorus, silicon, portasium and sodium (the latter in small quantities).
  • B vitamins (niacin, pyridoxine and riboflavin) and folates. It is also rich in hops, a substance that contains polyphenols (flavonoids) with antioxidant properties and beneficial effects on aging and cardiovascular risk.
  • The calorie intake may vary depending on the different types of beer and their carbohydrate content, but it ranges around 45 kcal/100 ml for traditional beer and 17 kcal/100 ml for non-alcoholic beer.
  • beer3.JPG

    Benefit of drinking beer.

Drink in moderation

Experts insist on the importance that the consumption of beer, in healthy people and outside of pregnancy, Do it in moderation: in the case of women, one or two beers a day; in men, two or three.

For its part, those people who follow a diet must first quench their thirst with water or an infusion and they must always choose non-alcoholic beers.

Do not forget that all the benefits mentioned above are framed in a balance diet and in the moderate beer consumptionsince excessive alcohol intake always has a negative impact on our health and quality of life.

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