“Cauldron lid, millstone.” Sofa experts about Sipeniece-Gavare’s necklace, the personality of Papagailis also deserves attention

#Cauldron #lid #millstone #Sofa #experts #SipenieceGavares #necklace #personality #Papagailis #deserves #attention

Special attention was paid to the necklace of Baiba Sipeniece-Gavare, it was compared with a pot lid, a millstone, and a stone from the Daugava. The earrings worn by Samantha Tina also created interest.

Sofa experts mentioned who could be hiding under the masks, naming Leldi Dreimani, Ieva Sutugova, Linda Mūrniec, Karina Tatarinova, Būu, Ilzi Viņķeli, Liena Cipuli and Liena Šomasi.

Opinions were received on the selected songs, both successes were announced and phrases were expressed about a broken song.

After Lienes Cipules was exposed, a discussion began, is it immoral for a medical person to participate in this kind of show?! The opinions expressed showed that everyone can do what they want in their free time, moreover, in case of victory, 5,000 euros are obtained to be donated to charity.

What are your thoughts on the seventh episode of The Voice in the Mask?

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