Dangerous “zombie drugs” are spreading in Lithuania – some are trying to “cut out their own tongues”

#Dangerous #zombie #drugs #spreading #Lithuania #cut #tongues

An extremely dangerous psychoactive substance is spreading in Lithuania, which has been called a “zombie drug” in the USA due to its effect, the portal “tv3.lt” reports.

The doctors of the neighboring country claim that they have observed an increased number of intoxicated patients and warn that these narcotic substances are very dangerous – they cause massive psychoses and hallucinations.

Eight and sometimes ten people are needed to restrain such patients. During psychoses and hallucinations, people “cut themselves and even try to cut out their tongues,” says toxicology doctor Gabija Laubner-Sakalauskiene.

Gabriele Navickaite, an investigative journalist of the “15min.lt” portal, who has been researching how the “zombie drug” spreads among young people in Lithuania for about half a year, said that it is most often used by people under 30 years old.

This narcotic is said to be very rare in the Baltic States, but it is well-known in both the US and Western Europe for its danger, high risk of addiction and the great harm caused. Drugs are sold on the Telegram communication site. Payment method – cryptocurrency.

Doctors, hospital Photo: EvijaTrifanova/LETA

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