Economists advocate strengthening policies to counteract the effects of rising diesel prices –

The economic policy specialist, José Ambrósio, states that the rise in the price of diesel could make it difficult to boost domestic production.

José Ambrósio maintains that “the government needs to create a new policy with a view to counteracting the effects resulting from the increase in the product”.

Economist José Macuva believes that the rise in diesel prices will have a major impact on families’ daily lives.

In turn, the specialist in management and public administration, Denílson Duro, states that “the rise in fuel prices is inevitable, but it is necessary to calculate the moments for its implementation”.

Sociologist Samora Neves said that the rise in diesel prices could allow the State to accumulate more money to invest in other social areas for the well-being of the population.

Several families in Luanda say their hands are tied due to the rise in different products that make up the basic food basket and are concerned, now also with the rise in diesel fuel.

According to them, this is creating several constraints and they ask for intervention from the authorities to counteract the situation.

The analyzes were carried out this Tuesday, 23rd, in the programs Capital Central and Espaço Fórum, from Radio .

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