How to judge hypokalemia in cats when there is a food safety crisis in cat food? | Public Television News Network PNN

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Recently, many cat owners in the cat community have accused their cats of developing hypokalemia after long-term consumption of feed from two brands, and one cat even died. The two manufacturers urgently removed the accused feed from the shelves and sent it for inspection. “Public Television News Network” will give you an article to understand the recent cat food safety crisis, and how to determine whether the furry child at home also has symptoms of hypokalemia.

What are the cases of cat food safety scandals?

Last Friday (19th), the owner of the Facebook group “Cat Crazy Club” surnamed Qiu accused his family of raising 4 cats and eating a Taiwanese brand of cat food for a long time. All 3 cats tested positive for hypokalemia, and 1 unfortunately passed away. .

Two days later, another netizen accused another brand of feed, and many owners had the same reaction, causing symptoms of hypokalemia.

In addition to the hypokalemia cat food controversy, the feed produced by Korean OEM EreBorn has caused 31 cats to die of unknown causes as of the 15th, and 47 cats are still being treated. Among them, two manufacturers in Taiwan are suspected of cooperating with Korean OEMs, which also caused panic among animal owners.

The South Korean government urgently conducted tests on factory feeds. Among the three cat foods tested initially, 78 harmful substances, such as heavy metals and aflatoxin, were all negative, and no substances suspected of causing muscle neuropathy were detected.

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What are the symptoms of hypokalemia?

Veterinarian Chen Ling said on Facebook that if a cat at home shows symptoms such as abnormal increase in water drinking and urine output, decreased appetite and energy, weight loss or neck weakness, it should be sent to the hospital for treatment.

The Taiwan Kidney Cat Association adds that potassium is an electrolyte that balances with sodium to help muscles function normally. Hypokalemia may also cause convulsions, muscle weakness, and difficulty breathing.

If a cat shows symptoms, it is recommended to draw blood to check red and white blood cells, blood sugar, protein, liver and kidney index, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and chloride, early kidney disease index and urine test to determine whether the blood potassium is low.

Chen Ling reminds owners that they don’t need to panic too much and should pay more attention to the cat’s physical condition, including whether there are any abnormalities in diet, excretion or mental state; record the feed and canned food the pet has eaten; sort out the results of past pet blood tests; if there are any suspected problems Cat food examination and purchase records must be kept.

How do pets supplement potassium?

Veterinary Research Institute of the Ministry of AgricultureIt is pointed out that if the cat has symptoms of hypokalemia, potassium can be provided by oral administration or intravenous injection to relieve the symptoms. However, if the cat’s potassium intake is not provided after treatment, symptoms of hypokalemia will return.

How did the two manufacturers respond?

After being sued by breeders, two manufacturers urgently issued statements to clarify the situation. Peli has sent the same batch of feed to a third-party SGS for inspection, which is expected to take 4 to 7 working days. Peli emphasized that the results will be announced immediately, and owners who have purchased from August 2023 to now can use the official Line returns and exchanges.

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Mao Shi also responded through the official Facebook fan page, sending the feed to SGS in Japan and Taiwan for inspection. Japan will separately inspect the potassium content and toxins. Maoshi pointed out that the potassium content of the feed is controlled at 0.9%, which is slightly higher than the requirements of the American Feed Management Association, and potassium chloride is added simultaneously. The public is asked to wait for third-party testing.

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