Father of murdered in Tullinge disappointed: “It’s unacceptable”

#Father #murdered #Tullinge #disappointed #unacceptable

During Tuesday the verdict fell against the four men who stood accused of involvement in the murder of a man in his 50s in Tullinge last year. A 19-year-old man receives the law’s most severe punishment, while the others receive between two and three years in prison.

The father of the murder victim believes that two of the people, who were acquitted by the district court of aiding and abetting murder, should have been sentenced more severely.

Shooting death in Tullinge

– For me it is unacceptable, says the father to SVT.

His grandson, who is the son of the murdered man, was then suspected of attempted murder and in conflict with Foxtrot network leader Rawa Majid.

The same evening that the murder in Tullinge occurred, the name and picture of the grandson had been shown on the television program Efterlyst. A few hours later, the father was murdered in Tullinge.

Since before is also Rawa Majid detained in absentia, on probable grounds suspected of aiding and abetting the murder.

The grandson has broken with the family

Several people that SVT has spoken to say that the family has tried to get the grandson to leave the criminal environment. It must have caused him to break contact with his family for several years.

– I texted and called him every day but he never answered. I don’t even know if it’s his number.

Hear the father in the video.

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