Gwen van Poorten drinks alcohol again after 4 years: ‘I’m much more aware’ | RTL Boulevard

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“I recently opened a bottle of champagne,” says Gwen. She also shares that she regularly receives questions about photos with a glass of alcohol in them. That’s why Gwen thinks it’s time to come clean and say that she drinks a glass of wine every now and then.

“I made a very conscious choice to stop drinking and drugs, because I was really done with them for a while,” says Gwen about her decision to stop drinking four years ago. “Not at all because there was something heavy behind it.”

“A few weeks ago it started with a craving for a red wine. Then I thought: I have to get started with that,” the presenter shares. Then came a ‘stormy period’ during which her engagement broke down and she experienced drama during a move. Due to a mistake by movers, Gwen lost all her belongings. “Then I felt like having a glass of wine and I thought: this is not the time.”

But the desire for red wine remained and so Gwen decided to give it a try again. She now experiences drinking ‘very differently’. “I really notice that my relationship with alcohol has completely changed. So I’m very happy with that. I also don’t feel like drinking vodka and going crazy. I really enjoy a glass of wine. That’s kind of the condition, that I really like it.”

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