Heartburn and reflux: changing your routine can provide effective relief!

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Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD affects one in five French people. Heartburn, acid reflux and nocturnal cough are the main symptoms. In Hello! La Matinale TF1, Vincent Valinducq gives us advice to calm the inner fire.

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Good morning ! The Morning TF1

One in five French people are affected by heartburn problems. This is a most common and apparent symptom of esophageal gastric reflux (GERD). Other signs accompany this pathology, namely acid reflux and regurgitation. These symptoms are accentuated when you are in a leaning or lying position. Vincent Valinducq explains to us, in Good morning ! The Morning TF1how to relieve that heartburn.

What is esophageal gastric reflux?

A common disease that affects between 10 to 20% of the population, GERD is characterized by the intermittent or permanent passage of part of the acidic contents of the stomach into the esophagus. People with this condition experience heartburn, but sometimes GERD is less obvious. In fact, it can manifest itself as a nighttime cough, a scratchy throat or a changed voice, making the disease more difficult to identify. This is a problem in the lower esophagus: the interior sphincter functions less well and no longer has the ability to block acidic contents. Burns can be temporary or chronic.

How to calm heartburn?

Often, these acid refluxes are caused by meals that are too large. In these cases, it is advisable to split your lunch or dinner to allow the stomach to work better and digest better. Foods can cause heartburn. We therefore try to identify products that are too irritating, such as cold meats, chocolate or tomatoes.

Walking has many virtues. In particular, it helps the digestive system get started and promotes gastric emptying. Sometimes chewing gum after a meal also helps to form more saliva, and saliva is important for digestion. And yes, the process begins in the mouth.

To avoid heartburn, we take care of our diet and lifestyle: we eat a balanced diet, not too sweet or too salty. It is also recommended to stop smoking and reduce alcohol. These are far from being friends of our digestive system and our health in general. Finally, we learn to eat early and don’t go to bed immediately after finishing dinner. In fact, it is recommended to wait three hours before slipping into the arms of Morpheus. Moreover, we do not hesitate to raise our mattress at the level of the head of the bed in order to tilt the body and prevent acid reflux.

When should you consult your doctor?

If GERD is episodic and is the result of a meal that is too rich or too fatty, there is no reason to worry. On the other hand, when the burns are painful, frequent and there are family ancestry, it is preferable to go to the doctor. This may prescribe PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) to reduce gastric acid secretion. He can also request laboratory tests or refer to a gastroenterologist in order to carry out a fibroscopy to look for possible pathologies.

Sabine BOUCHOUL Chronicle: Vincent Valinducq

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