Leaving the world’s fastest sinking megacity, Jakarta… What is Indonesia’s new capital “Nusantara” under development? | Business Insider Japan

#Leaving #worlds #fastest #sinking #megacity #Jakarta.. #Indonesias #capital #Nusantara #development #Business #Insider #Japan

Let’s take a closer look at Nusantara.

A new beginning

President Joko Widodo of Indonesia.

Getty Images

In August 2019, Indonesian President Widodo Widodo approved a plan to move the capital from Jakarta to Nusantara.

The site in eastern Kalimantan was chosen because of its proximity to the sea and relatively low risk of earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions.

under the sea

This mosque in Jakarta is affected by rising sea levels.The pace of land subsidence has slowed due to pumping out too much groundwater.Up to about 15 cm per year40% of Jakarta is now below sea level.

Environmental experts have warned that if land subsidence continues at the current rate, a third of Jakarta will be under water by 2050.

The Indonesian government is also spending tens of billions of dollars to combat flooding in Jakarta.

flood risk

Earth Observatory/NASA

Researchers from NASA and its partners created this map using data from 2020 to identify areas at high risk of flooding in Jakarta.

“Nusantara” roughly translates to “Outer Islands”


Nusantara was chosen to reflect President Widodo’s geopolitical vision and Indonesia’s unity as an archipelagic nation. Indonesia’s population of 276 million people live on more than 17,000 islands.

Nusantara is located in Kalimantan (Borneo), the world’s largest island.

yusnizam/ Getty Images

Kalimantan (Borneo) is known for its tropical rainforest that has existed for 140 million years, and is home to endangered native species such as the Bornean orangutan.

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Approximately three-quarters of the island is Indonesian territory, with the rest occupied by Malaysian territory and Brunei territory. The total population of Kalimantan is approximately 23 million.

Construction begins in July 2022

Nusantara under construction.

Firdaus Wajidi/Anadolu/Getty Images

President Joko Widodo sent around 100,000 workers to build Nusantara, a number that rose to 150,000 to 200,000 as construction progressed.

Here is the state of Nusantara as of April 2022

Earth Observatory/NASA

This satellite imageLandsat 9installed inWAS-2Photographed by.

And this is what Nusantara looks like as of February 2024

Earth Observatory/NASA

A road network will begin to be built in the forest from 2022 for the construction of government facilities and other residential facilities.Official website of the projectThe initial population is expected to be approximately 500,000.

Indonesian government promises to make Nusantara ‘100% green’

Officials say Nusantara will be powered entirely by renewable energy by 2045.Green and easy to walk on“It’s going to become a big city.”

Development of the new city includes plans to build a 50 megawatt solar power plant and aims to allow only electric vehicles by 2029.

“Big names” are also participating in this project

Tony Blair Institute

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Abu Dhabi President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan are both members of Nusantara’s steering committee. In October 2023Tony Blair Institutehas signed a contract to build a research center in Nusantara.

However, it is not clear where the funds will come from.

Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images

The new city is expected to cost about $35 billion, but the Indonesian government has only committed to providing about 20% of that and is struggling to secure funding for the rest. In March 2022, Softbank announced its investment in this project.passed

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