«I appreciate your work», the letter to the vice-principal of Pioltello

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In recent days you had written him a heartfelt appeal, inviting him to come to Pioltello, to put an end to the controversy following the choice of close for the end of Ramadan. On Tuesday, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella responded to a letter from Maria Rendani, vice-principal of Iqbal Masih. «I have received and read your letter carefully and, in thanking you, I would like to tell you that I greatly appreciated it, just as – beyond the single episode, which was actually of modest importance – I appreciate the work that the teaching staff and the bodies institutes carry out in fulfilling a precious and particularly demanding task”, wrote the head of state.

The decision has now been made: on Monday evening the school board slightly corrected the resolution and reiterated that the Eid-El-Fitr day will be closed. To remain closed on April 10th, the school will give up two more days of vacation close to the May 1st long weekend (April 29th and 30th). On April 10th, lessons will be suspended “in consideration of the very high rate of absence foreseeable due to the habits of the school population which compromises the effective carrying out of the planned teaching and educational activities”, says a statement released by the school, which quotes Ghandi: “Our ability to achieve unity in diversity will be the beauty and test of our civilization.”

That it was an educational choice and not a religious one was immediately made clear by the principal, Alessandro Fanfoni. The closure of April 26th has also been confirmed, again due to absenteeism issues, this time not religious, but holidaymakers for the long weekend of April 25th. The decision, said the minister Giuseppe Valditara, now passes to the regional school office, which will make “all the further assessments of the case”. It is unlikely, however, that there will be an appeal to the TAR to annul the correct resolution. If teachers and parents of Masih ask that the spotlights be turned off, the political controversy does not subside. In Parliament the Brothers of Italy announced a question to the Minister of Education.

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The president of the Lombardy Region considers Masih’s choice “out of place”. According to Fontana “at this point we need to provide for a closure for all the celebrations of all the religions practiced in our territory”. Northern League MEP Silvia Sardone explains that she has received “messages from school mothers who absolutely do not agree with the resolution” and she insists: “These choices are clear signs of an integration process in reverse.”

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