“I can’t even order a coffee anymore.”

#order #coffee #anymore

The complaint of a woman who accused of feeling harassed by a barista has gone viral on social networks.

The incident occurred in Mexico when the man passed his coffee to the woman with a message and a heart: “You are very pretty,” he wrote to him.

“Today this unpleasant situation happened to me with one of your baristas who put that phrase under my name”the woman wrote on her X account (formerly Twitter).

Barista left a message at the cafe

I can’t even order a coffee anymore without being harassed“Please educate your person and let no woman cry from helplessness like me again,” the victim finished.

The publication quickly went viral and was filled with responses to the woman’s complaint. As a result of the debate provoked by the young woman’s death, Starbucks Mexico responded the next day.

“We regret the situation, in order to provide you with the corresponding help, we ask that you send us the following information by DM, email, name, contact phone number, store,” they wrote in X.

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