“I hope I die in my sleep” is one of the symptoms of ‘Passive Death Wish’.

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Passive Death Wish, or sometimes called ‘Passive Suicidal Idention’ Dr. Harold Hong A psychiatrist and medical director of New Waters Recovery in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, explains:

“Passive suicidal ideation is thoughts about death and suicide, often without intending or intending to harm oneself. It is just different from proactive or active suicidal ideation that is planned. There was a lot of thinking ahead about how to stay on track.”

“Although the Passive Death Wish may not always lead to death, Because it’s just a thought in your head. It does not cause serious problems to others. But from the doctor’s point of view, it is considered risky. and should consult with an expert Because this condition may lead to depression. You can think of wanting to kill yourself.”

“The important thing is that Passive Death Wish is more difficult to look at than depression. Because people who are currently living can still live their lives normally. There is no advance signal. Because everything is all thought in the head.”

Similar to what OOCA defines, that person may not be at risk. But I don’t care whether I stay or go. He thought that if he died, it would be better if he didn’t die and he would have to endure it.

However, people with Passive Death Wish will have thoughts like this going back and forth as before, never changing. Part of it may be because They have an attitude that doesn’t see the positive aspects of their own life. Don’t see your own worth I don’t want to suffer anymore.

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Examples of thoughts that come from Passive Death Wish include:

“I hope someone crashes into my car.”

“I don’t want to live anymore. I can’t accept it.”

“I wish I had never been born.”

“They would all be better off without me.”

In addition, symptoms of Passive Death Wish that occur frequently include talking about your own passing, feeling stressed and sad all the time, eating and sleeping at different times than usual, and not being cheerful.

Experts define passive suicide ideation as contemplating death or harboring a desire to die. without being eager to achieve that result If left untreated, it can ultimately lead to loss of life.

What is the cause?

Although researchers at New Waters Recovery can’t pinpoint the exact cause, But at least there is an incentive that ‘should’ cause the Passive Death Wish to occur, including:

  • Being abused since childhood Problems within the family emotional trauma, neglect
  • Revealing that she is in the LGBTQ+ group but not receiving support from family members
  • Feeling hopeless and lonely
  • Having to live with chronic illness all the time
  • Problems arise in life Problems with work, lack of funds, or other things that you feel are threatening your daily life.

In this regard, from the perspective of OOCA’s psychiatrist, he gave final advice that If this condition occurs to us or people close to you What we can do initially is Make him see the importance of his own life. and saw how much meaning his life had How is it worth staying? As for us, we can only do Listen carefully to him. Which sometimes may not require many words. Just letting that person feel like we’re ready beside you is enough.

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Image: Pixabay


OOCA Story

Passive Suicidal Ideation

“Passive Death Wish” is as dangerous as “depression”. Check out 4 ways to be careful not to let your mind sink.

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