Inquire about the health certificate using the ID number only in the fastest way

#Inquire #health #certificate #number #fastest

Inquiring about the health certificate with the ID number is one of the most frequently searched services for how to perform it, so that the individual can know his health card data, which can be easily viewed electronically in simple steps that we present in detail in the following paragraphs.

Inquiry about the health certificate with ID number

My Baladi platform provides inquiry services for requests that have been registered, such as the health card request, which can be viewed by applying the steps to inquire about the health certificate by ID number:

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  • Enter my site.
  • Click on start service.

  • Select the ID type.
  • Fill in the inquiry data (ID number, application number on the Baladi platform, and medical examination number on the Baladi platform).
  • Click Search.

The validity period of the health certificate

The health card is one of the most important official documents that every individual must possess, because it includes many features that can be obtained through it, and the card is renewed every period when it expires, about which many inquiries have been received, as the validity period is… Health certificate: 6 months.

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Health card inquiry link

One of the best e-government platforms is the Baladi platform because it includes a distinctive set of important services, including viewing the status of a health certificate request electronically, as the service can be accessed and obtained smoothly by clicking on the health card inquiry link.

In the end, it is now possible to inquire about the health certificate document with the ID number simply and smoothly electronically in easy steps that we have presented in detail in the previous paragraphs. We also discussed the validity period of the health card and the link to view it directly.

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