“It opened my eyes about LGBTQIA+”

#opened #eyes #LGBTQIA

Leidy Elin, former BBB24 participant, spoke about her brother’s gender transition process and how the family supported him. She revealed her fears about prejudice and also that Thomaz suffered from transphobia during the program.

From left to right: brother Thomaz, mother and Leidy Elin

Photo: Reproduction/Instagram/@leidyelin

Leidy Elinformer participant of BBB24spoke about the process of gender transition what your brother is going through. At the moment, the family is fighting for him to have surgery to remove his breasts. At first, however, Leidy confessed that it was difficult to separate his brother’s image from his registered name.

“He said he wanted to change his name and remove his breasts. We were super supportive, we took him to a psychologist for the process. He asked our opinion on what name he would have. It took us a while to get used to calling him Thomaz because, since little one, we said his registered name. Now we’re running after him to remove the breast, which is something he really wants to do”, said the ex-BBB, in an interview with the magazine Who.

Leidy admitted that she herself learned a lot about the LGBTQIA+ community after her brother declared that he was a trans man. In the conversation with the magazine, she revealed the fears that the family began to feel regarding prejudice on the streets.

“People have to learn to respect others, accept opinions without making funny jokes. It is very important that they seek to know about issues. When my brother said he was trans, I had no knowledge about the subject. He opened my I look at LGBTQIA+. I’m very grateful,” she said.

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Transphobia during the program

During the reality show, Thomaz was a victim of transphobia on the internet. “They made jokes saying he was a badass man. He suffered a lot. I was very upset when I found out about it. When Thomaz saw me, he cried like hell saying that he loves me very much and that he will never let go of my hand,” she said.

The young man filed a police report against the person who made the comment. Leidy stated that he will leave the situation in the hands of Justice.

Self-Portrait Series: “I went through gender transition after I turned 40”

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Source: Redação Terra

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