Law to prevent suicide has majority in House of Representatives | RTL News

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D66 says it also supports the proposal, which has sufficient support. PvdA-GroenLinks, CDA, SGP and SP previously joined the initiative.

The plan has now also been signed by NSC, BBB and the Party for the Animals.

Suicide hotline must remain available

The plan was initially submitted in 2021 to ensure that as much effort as possible is made to prevent suicide. According to the parties, this should not depend on the political choices of a sitting cabinet.

The law ensures that the Minister of Health becomes responsible and must, among other things, arrange a research program. The law also stipulates that the suicide prevention helpline will remain available free of charge. In addition, the obligations of municipalities to prevent suicide are laid down more clearly.

Christian Union is happy

Christian Union leader Mirjam Bikker is pleased with the broad support for the plan. Good and accessible help is ‘literally of vital importance’, the group leader said.

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