Lemon seeds hide unexpected benefits, here they are:

#Lemon #seeds #hide #unexpected #benefits

How can I get them?

You can consume lemon seeds by first grinding them, then mixing them with water, boiling the water and drinking it. Lemon seed paste can also be used as an addition to various dishes. Remember that it is not good to buy more than three to five seeds at a time. They won’t hurt you unless you grind them before eating, but they probably won’t be digested.

The most important positive effects that regular seed consumption can provide are:

Protection against oxidative stress

As in lemons, in their seeds we find plenty of vitamin C, one of the most praised antioxidants (100 g of lemon peel contains approximately 47 mg of vitamin C).

They are also a good source of limonoids and flavonoids. By consuming lemon seeds, you can provide your body with important antioxidants that will neutralize the negative effects of free radicals. This will reduce oxidative stress and therefore the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and other diseases.

Analgesic effect

It is possible to make high quality lemon seed oil, one of nature’s greatest painkillers.

Lemon seed oil is said to have a very positive effect on the parts of the brain associated with pain perception and provide an analgesic effect.

Stimulation of collagen formation

One of the main culprits of accelerated skin aging is the slowdown of collagen production.

Collagen is an extremely important structural protein that is responsible for the elasticity and durability of the skin. One of the best ways to slow skin aging is to increase your vitamin C intake.

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In addition to being an excellent antioxidant that protects the skin from UV rays and other negative effects responsible for accelerated skin aging, vitamin C is also important for the creation of collagen.

Helps fight infections

Lemon seed extract may be useful for preventing and faster controlling various infections, including fungal infections.

For example, it has been found that substances in lemon peel can reduce the risk of overgrowth of candida, a well-known fungus that can cause serious damage if overgrown.

Improves memory and concentration

Do you feel like your memory hasn’t been so good lately? Maybe you’ve noticed that it’s quite difficult to focus?

With these symptoms, it makes sense to rule out more serious problems first. If it doesn’t turn out to be a more serious condition (for example, early signs of Alzheimer’s disease), then there are natural remedies that can help your brain function. These include lemon seed oil, which can be very beneficial for memory and concentration and is said to help improve mood as it has been found to have a positive effect on dopamine and serotonin receptors.

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