List of 3 Pakistani Allied Countries Most Feared by Iran

#List #Pakistani #Allied #Countries #Feared #Iran

Pakistan has many allies that Iran fears. Photo/

ISLAMABAD – There are several countries allied to Pakistan that could act if Islamabad gets into trouble. Considering that this country has extensive trade relations with several global countries.

From a geopolitical point of view, Pakistan’s location is very important as it is located at the crossroads of major maritime and land transit routes between the Middle East and South Asia, as well as being a bridge between the Arabian Sea and the energy-rich areas of the Central region.

This is what makes Pakistan have quite close bilateral relations with several countries.

Pakistan’s Allied Countries

1. China

China has played an important role in Pakistan’s development, economy and security, a relationship that began in the 1950s.

At that time Pakistan became one of the first countries to establish official diplomatic relations with the Republic of China (on the island of Taiwan) and recognized the People’s Republic of China.

Since then, the two countries have attached great importance to maintaining a very close and mutually supportive special relationship and the two countries regularly carry out high-level visits to each other which have resulted in various agreements.

2. United States

The United States has played an important role in Pakistan’s young history, being one of the first countries to recognize its independence on August 14, 1947.

Pakistan also consistently sided with the United States in the problems faced during the Cold War.

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