Lumps on the testicles: these are the causes

#Lumps #testicles

Lumps on the testicle: what does that mean?

A lump becomes one small, defined elevation or thickening referred to in a tissue. Various factors can be responsible for a lump or hardening on the testicle. These include, above all:

1. Testicular cancer

A lump or hardening on the testicle can be a possible sign of testicular cancer. The first signs include one palpable, painless change in the testicle, Pain or swelling in the testicle area and a pulling or feeling of heaviness in the testicles or groin. If you notice these or other symptoms, you should definitely see your doctor to rule out cancer or detect it early.

2. Inflammation of the epididymis

Epididymitis can also be responsible for the symptoms. This is an inflammation of the epididymis, a coiled tube located along the top of each testicle. The disease is relatively common and can affect men of all ages. The causes of inflammation include bacterial infection, viral infections, STDs, injuries or certain medications. The symptoms of epididymitis can Pain, swelling and redness in the testicle or scrotum, tenderness or tenderness, fever, general feeling of being unwell and rarer discharge from the penis include.

3. Epididymal cyst

Epididymal cysts, medically known as spermatoceles, are… benign cysts in the epididymis. They arise when fluid accumulates in the tubules of the epididymis and appear as small, painless bumps or lumps noticeable on the testicles. Spermatoceles are usually harmless and rarely cause symptoms. They are usually discovered accidentally during a physical examination or ultrasound.

4. Varicose vein

A varicocele is one Expansion of the veins in the scrotum, which can be felt as a sac-like swelling or lump on the testicle. The varicose vein often occurs on the left side of the scrotum, but can occur on either side and is similar to varicose veins that can occur elsewhere on the body. In many cases, varicocele occurs due to weakness or malfunction of the venous valves that regulate blood flow. This causes blood to pool in the veins of the scrotum, causing the veins to dilate.

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Varicoceles are usually benign and cause no symptoms. Rarely, they can cause symptoms such as pain or heaviness, tenderness or a visible swelling in the scrotum.

5. Water breakage

The so-called hydrocele, also known as hydrocele, can occur due to infections, injuries or inflammation in the scrotum area. Does one occur due to these factors? Accumulation of fluid in the scrotuma swelling is caused, which can also be perceived as a lump.

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