Man sentenced for stabbing to death at truck center

#Man #sentenced #stabbing #death #truck #center

The picture shows how the 42-year-old makes a thrust-like movement with his hand towards the man who survived the knife attack.

Photo: The police

One Friday in May last year, a group of foreign truck drivers spent their evening off partying at the truck center in Asarum on the outskirts of Karlshamn.

All those involved became heavily intoxicated – the man who was hacked to death had 1.9 percent alcohol in his blood and the 42-year-old perpetrator had 1.55 percent alcohol an hour after the murder.

There are several surveillance cameras at the scene which have helped the police clarify the sequence of events.

Started with a fight in the table tennis room

Several men were sitting and drinking in the facility’s main building. When the now-convicted 42-year-old entered the building’s ping-pong room, he got into a fight and knocked a man down, after which he went out to his tow truck.

The events began with the 42-year-old getting into a fight and knocking a man down in the table tennis room.

Photo: The police

Photo: The police

The surveillance footage shows that the conflict continued at a distance. Twice the 42-year-old made attempts to go back inside but was prevented by others. In the kitchen window stood the man who was to be murdered, making obscene gestures.

He and a friend later went out to the 42-year-old’s tow truck. Other people tried to prevent them from getting to the driver’s cab where the 42-year-old was sitting. But one of them, 205 centimeters tall and 151 kilograms heavy, pushed past them.

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“He has a knife!”

Then a witness heard the big man shout:

“He has a knife!”

The man moved away, but the 42-year-old followed and continued the attack after the man fell to the ground. The violence, which led to the victim bleeding, was “very extensive and almost mindless”, according to the district court.

The two men who will soon be stabbed walk from the main building towards the 42-year-old’s truck.

Photo: The police

The one man, who is to be murdered, pushes his way towards the 42-year-old’s driver’s cab.

Photo: The police

The man runs from the driver’s cab while holding on to the side.

Photo: The police

The picture shows how the 42-year-old makes a thrust-like movement with his hand towards the man who survived the knife attack.

Photo: The police

The 42-year-old has said he was standing on the steps of the truck when the man pulled him down and hit him hard on the head. In the commotion, he grabbed a knife that was on the truck’s refrigerator. He ended up in a fog, and the next flashback is him sitting on top of the man who died.

District Court: Not emergency protection

He claims that he acted in self-defence or at least in excess of self-defence, meaning that the person who used more force than necessary can escape punishment, if he “could hardly come to his senses”, as stated in the criminal code.

The District Court considers that the objections are disproven.

The 42-year-old was admittedly in an emergency situation when the man pushed his way to him. The fact that he is 168 centimeters tall while the victim was a very large man also speaks in his favor.

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However, he had other options than to use life-threatening violence, for example to seek help from people nearby. His actions were “rather purposeful” and he himself had previously contributed to maintaining the conflict, according to the district court.

When the 42-year-old stabbed the second victim, who suffered life-threatening injuries but survived, all attacks against him had been repelled, and he had no right of self-defense, the court states.

18 years imprisonment and deportation

The man whom the 42-year-old previously abused in the main building came to help one of the stabbed. The 42-year-old punched him several times and threatened to kill him.

The 42-year-old believes that the threat was empty words and that the man provoked him by saying “Ukrainian ass”, “you are the whore – Russian pig” and the like. According to the district court, the audio recording available from the incident confirms that the man used harsh language.

But the court also points out that the 42-year-old uttered the death threat when he had just stabbed two men and in connection with hitting the person he threatened. There was therefore reason to take the threat seriously.

The 42-year-old is now sentenced to 18 years in prison for murder, attempted murder, assault and gross illegal threats. He is a citizen of Georgia, where he lives with his family, and has no connection to Sweden. The district court therefore decides to deport him for life.

READ MORE: One death after assault in Karlshamn

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