Mardi Gras falls outside of the holidays this year: here’s why some children have the day off… and others don’t

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This is the first time this has happened in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. Mardi Gras falls outside of the carnival holidays (or relaxation holidays). This is a consequence of the reform of school schedules.

Mardi Gras is tomorrow. However, vacation only begins in two weeks in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. So it becomes an official day off. But be careful, not necessarily obligatory.

Concretely, schools are required to organize 180 days of classes each year. And for days off, they can request an exemption. So if, for example, a school is not specifically interested in this Mardi Gras day, it can ask to save it for later.

This is what happens in particular in certain schools in Mons since the day off is then rather kept for the Doudou period.

Is it going to be like this every year?

No, the current principle of the school calendar works according to this principle: there are 7 weeks of classes alternating with two weeks of vacation. This is why the calendar will alternate each year. Next year, Mardi Gras will be part of the holiday week. To find a year like 2024, we will have to wait until 2027 and 2029.

school holidays Mardi Gras Carnival

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