Only the iPhone 16 Pro would fully work with Apple’s new AI

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The future new artificial intelligence made in Apple would be so powerful that only the iPhone 16 Pro would be designed to make it work optimally.

The year 2024 will be a pivotal year for Apple. 17 years after the very first iPhone, all rumors agree that iOS 17 and the iPhone 16 will be game changers in the smartphone industry. We will be set for June 10, with WWDC and the announcement of iOS 18.

If the iPhone 16 is rather anticipated, it is mainly iOS 18 which is on everyone’s lips at the moment. And for good reason, even Tim Cook announces that Apple will push the limits of generative intelligence. OpenAI is today the flagship in terms of consumer AI, but it seems that Apple’s ambitions are such that the company is giving itself the means to be the benchmark of tomorrow in terms of AI.

AI specialists at Apple recently published a study in which they reveal their recent advances on a brand new AI system called ReALM, to Reference Resolution As Language Modeling. This system would considerably boost Siri, allowing it to take into account both the elements displayed on the screen and the activities underway in the iPhone. Here is how the researchers detail this system:

“We formulate our task as follows: given relevant entities and a task that the user wants to perform, we want to extract the entity that is relevant to the user’s current query. Relevant entities are of three different types:

  • Entities displayed on screen : These are the entities that are currently displayed on the user’s screen.
  • Conversational entities : These are entities relating to the conversation. These entities could come from a previous turn by the user (e.g., when the user says “Call mom,” the contact for mom would be the relevant entity in question), or from the virtual assistant (e.g., when the agent provides the user with a list of locations or alarms to choose from).
  • Background Entities : These are relevant entities from background processes that are not necessarily an integral part of what the user sees on their screen or their interaction with the virtual agent; for example, an alarm going off or music playing in the background.”
  • The best AI on the market

    Researchers seem extremely optimistic about ReALM and what this system could bring to Siri. They thus announce the compare with GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, with our smallest model achieving performance comparable to GPT-4, and our largest models significantly exceeding it.”

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    This all looks very promising, but the technology comes at a price. If Apple has planned a complete integration of ReALM into the iPhone, in order to guarantee optimal security for the user’s data, the device necessary to make it work will have to be tailor-made for this AI. And according to the latest reports, only the iPhone 16 Pro would be calibrated to accommodate all of Apple’s AI features. Older models could obviously run it, but with some restrictions.

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