Profile of Will Smith Hollywood Actor Not Muslim but Khatam Reads Al-Quran

#Profile #Smith #Hollywood #Actor #Muslim #Khatam #Reads #AlQuran

Wednesday, March 20 2024 – 13:55 WIB

VIVA ShowbizWill Smitha person actor Hollywood is known for its success in various films figure which is currently attracting public attention. Recently the actor admitted that he had been reading the Koran for months Ramadhan.

Suddenly, his name immediately became the spotlight and many people began to be curious about his figure in particular religion the original. Reported from various sources, below profile complete Will Smith. Scroll down to see the full article.

Profil Will Smith

Born on September 25, 1968 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Will Smith began pursuing a career in the entertainment world from a young age as a rapper along with his childhood friend, DJ Jazzy Jeff. Later, he turned to acting and achieved fame through his role in the television series “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” in 1990.

Although initially known as an entertainer, Smith quickly demonstrated his talent in acting. He won the hearts of audiences with iconic roles in films such as “Independence Day,” “Men in Black,” and “Ali,” where he played boxing legend Muhammad Ali. Smith is also known for his ability to portray a variety of genres, from action to comedy, with consistent success.

Apart from his achievements on screen, Will Smith is also known as a philanthropist and motivational speaker. He is actively involved in various charities and non-profit organizations aimed at improving social and educational conditions in various communities. Smith also often provides motivation and inspiration through speeches and the books he writes.

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Smith’s Personal Life

On the personal side, Smith is a husband and father who is known to care deeply about his family. He married actress Jada Pinkett Smith in 1997, and the couple has two children, Jaden and Willow Smith, who also followed in their parents’ footsteps in entertainment. The Smith family is known for the togetherness and support they show each other.

Religion Followed

Will Smith di Oscar 2022.

Many suspect that Smith may have been a believer Scientology, a fairly complex religious sect. Scientology means ‘knowing how to know’.

There is speculation that Smith and his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, are involved in a secret science school linked to Scientology. Although there is no direct evidence that the school taught religion, some of the teachers involved were known to be followers of Scientology.

Regarding his religious beliefs, Smith has shown his openness about his faith to Kristen. He often mentions God in important speeches, including at the Oscars after the Chris Rock slapping incident. Despite being baptized and raised in the environment Catholicin an interview in 2013, he revealed that he does not identify with any particular religion.

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