Samsung may present GDDR7 memory at the upcoming ISSCC

#Samsung #present #GDDR7 #memory #upcoming #ISSCC

The company would be besieging the 37 GHz clock signal, which exceeds the specification required by the standard in the first round.

Samsung has previously talked about the GDDR7 memory standard, which, according to the latest information from TechRadar, will be presented at the ISSCC event in mid-February.

The GDDR7 standard is known for replacing the NRZ (non-return zero) encoding used in GDDR6 with PAM3 (three-level pulse-amplitude modulation), which enables the transfer of one and a half times more information when projected onto a serial channel. Thanks to the latter, the energy efficiency of the system also improves, by 20%.

In principle, Samsung will present a model operating at an effective 37 GHz clock speed, specifically a chip that offers 16 gigabit capacity. The exact time of the release is always questionable, GDDR7 will probably appear on the next generation VGAs.

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