Sporting promotes Cup Winners’ Cup shirt with singing competition: find out who was it… Morais – Sporting

#Sporting #promotes #Cup #Winners #Cup #shirt #singing #competition #find #it.. #Morais #Sporting

Lions debuted equipment commemorating the 60th anniversary of the conquest against V. Guimarães

After having debuted the fifth equipment of the season, a tribute At the 60th anniversary of the direct singing of the mythical – unfortunately now disappeared – João Morais, in the 1964 Cup Winners’ Cup final, Sporting published a video this Tuesday highlighting the new shirt, white and with one of its old symbols , in this case a corner kicking contest.

Trincão, Nuno Santos and Daniel Bragança – curiously three left-footed players, unlike Morais – appeared with more recent skin, in the professional wing of the Academy, beating the aforementioned dead ball. No one did particularly badly, but a winner was needed: Trincão took 3 corners that deserved the praise of his colleagues, who scored 2 goals each.

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