Study Finds Neanderthals Organized Their Living Space Like Modern Humans

#Study #Finds #Neanderthals #Organized #Living #Space #Modern #Humans

JAKARTA — A new study reveals that Neanderthals organized their living space like modern humans. They are far from primitive.


Reported The Independent, Friday (12/4/2024), researchers analyzing artifacts and features of the Riparo Bombrini site in northwestern Italy found the same settlement pattern between the two populations. They mapped the distribution of stone tools, animal bones, ocher and sea shells across the surface of the site’s two layers when both populations lived there.


Scientists can model the spatial features of the site and identify patterns in how ancient humans used the space and the activities they carried out there. The analysis helps provide a comprehensive picture of the behavioral similarities and differences between these ancient populations.


The researchers found that Neanderthals and Homo sapiens exhibited structured use of space, organizing their living spaces into zones of high and low intensity activity. This suggests that these ancient populations had similar cognitive capacities for spatial organization.


Both groups also show similar tendencies in occupying this space, such as the repeated position of the inner fireplace and the presence of rubbish pits on both levels.


Similar to modern humans, Neanderthals also appear to have planned their occupancy of a space in terms of how long they planned to stay, the types of activities they wanted to do there, and the number of occupants with whom they shared the space.


Scientists also found some differences in how the two populations used the site. For example, there are fewer groups of artifacts in layers inhabited by Neanderthals.

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Although humans took turns using the site on a short- and long-term basis, Neanderthals appear to have used it sporadically. The findings overall reveal that both populations shared a “fundamental logic” about how they used their space, indicating “comparable cognitive capacities” for both modern humans and Neanderthals.


Study co-author Amélie Vallerand of the Université de Montréal in Canada said like Homo sapiens, Neanderthals organized their living space in a structured manner, according to the various tasks performed there and according to their needs.


“So this is another study showing that Neanderthals were more ‘human’ than is generally thought,” Vallerand said.


Source: Republic



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