The details of the terrible situation in Tukum are revealed

#details #terrible #situation #Tukum #revealed

A terrible situation was observed in Tukum on Wednesday shortly before six in the morning. Rescuers rushed to the Great Street to put out spectacular flames in one of the production hangars. The residents of the neighboring house also experienced a deep fright, who had to leave their accommodation in a hurry to take care of their safety, “Degpunkta” reports.

Just over ten centimeters away from the home of the local residents, impressive tongues of flames several stories high have started to destroy one of the buildings of the work clothing manufacturing company “SAKTA”. Tukum residents say that the fire spread like lightning. Grabbing the documents and belongings within arm’s reach, people hurried to get to the fresh air with bare feet.

“Well, for the first time in my life… Our building is right next to this building. The husband said that the flames were going to the bricks of our building. We were saved by a brick – without a brick, our building would have been too…” say the residents of the neighboring house.

The morning dew also saved a little from the further spread of the flames, says the woman. Recalling the alarming event of this morning, people add that the sounds of the burning slate roof of the manufacturing building resembled fireworks. However, I was forced to wake up from a sweet night’s sleep – it was still far too early for the fireworks.

“It exploded, it went everywhere. The fences are full of slag. You have to call the big machine with the broom that will collect it all. Terrible.”

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At the moment, there are no versions about the origin of the devastating fire accident. Law enforcement officers also worked at the scene and blocked the flow of traffic on the adjacent street. Company representatives refrained from commenting.

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