the foolproof method to clear your nose instantly!

#foolproof #method #clear #nose #instantly

Ah, the joy of winter mornings, when you wake up with your nose so blocked you wonder if you accidentally swallowed a pillow in your sleep. But don’t worry, I’ve found an almost magical method that will get rid of this problem in less than 20 seconds. And no, you’re not dreaming. You thought that for unblock your nose, we had to bring out the heavy artillery, between tissues, nasal sprays and other magic potions? Make no mistake, I’m talking to you about something much simpler and more natural.

The magic of the Chinese trick

My name is Julien Boidus, passionate about everything relating to grandmother’s tips and natural remedies, and I am going to tell you about a technique from ancestral Chinese wisdom. You know, in China they have solutions for almost everything, even for decongest the nose without going to the pharmacy.

So sit back (or stand, if your nose is so stuffy you’re afraid you’ll never find your way to oxygen again), and let me introduce you to the technique that will change your freezing mornings. Put pressure on your palate with your tonguewhile exerting a little firmer pressure between your eyebrows. Hold this position for 19 seconds and voila, you should feel immediate relief. It is thanks to the effect of these pressure points on the vomer bone, located in your nose, that you can say goodbye to a blocked nose.

This technique requires no special equipment, and can be performed anywhere, even during a stroll on the quays of Bordeaux, where, as you can imagine, the cold winter wind can make this problem even more more acut.

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Three pressure points to reinforce the effect

If you’re the curious type, like me when it comes to freshening up your bathroom or concocting home remedies, you’ll be happy to know that there are other pressure points that have beneficial effects on our sinuses .

First stop, the point Yin Tang, located just above your nose, between the eyebrows. Apply gentle pressure for 5 minutes and you should feel improvement.

Next, head to the cheeks, or more precisely, two points located on the outer edge of the cheeks, just below the malar bones. Pressing these two points simultaneously for about 5 minutes can work wonders.

And finally, a little pressure on the forehead, between the eyebrows, can also help relieve congestion.

When technology meets tradition

The use of modern technology can also help complement these traditional techniques. Using health tracking apps to record your symptoms or even indoor air quality measuring devices can help you better understand and manage your allergies or nasal congestion over the long term.

For me, a simple reminder on my phone to practice these pressure points twice a day helps me keep my sinuses clear, even during the harshest times of the year in Bordeaux.

These methods, combined with careful attention to the hygiene of your living space, can really make a difference in managing nasal congestion.

Natural alternatives to explore

Of course, acupressure is just one of many approaches to managing a stuffy nose. Solutions such as steam inhalations, using essential oils (like eucalyptus), or even a good old bowl of hot broth, can effectively complement pressure point action.

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In my journey as a lover of home remedies and as a resident of the beautiful city of Bordeaux, I have learned that going back to basics and exploring natural solutions can often deliver surprising results, without the need to jump to the task. first medicine that comes along.

Rememberthe key is to listen your body and not hesitate to experiment to find out what works best for you. The world of natural remedies is vast and full of surprises, reflecting the diversity and richness of the Bordeaux region.

So, the next time you find yourself with a stuffy nose, before running to the pharmacy, why not try this 19-second technique and explore other natural remedies? Nature, and perhaps your own kitchen, is full of solutions.

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