The ideal treatment for acute bronchitis and supporting home remedies

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Acute bronchitis is a common respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the bronchi, the air-conducting tubes in the lungs. Typical symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath and increased mucus production. Most cases of acute bronchitis are caused by viral infections that are easily transmitted from person to person. However, you can support your recovery with treatment from a healthcare professional and home remedies. You can find out how here.

Rest is the best medicine

Your body is weakened by acute bronchitis and the constant urge to cough – so treat yourself completely much rest. Read the kitsch novel that has been gathering dust on the bookshelf for a long time or indulge in a series. In order to slowly get your circulation going again, you should get up regularly and take a few steps. When you’re no longer so weak from the bronchitis, take a short one Stroll in the fresh air – but don’t overexert yourself right away. You should postpone your exercise routine until after the bronchitis treatment.

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Bronchitis: medical treatment

Sufficient rest only alleviates the bronchitis symptoms to a limited extent. If you have bacterial bronchitis, you will usually be told by a medical professional Antibiotics prescribe. However, if your bronchitis is caused by a virus, taking an antibiotic will not help.

Your doctor will tell you cough medicine recommend to relieve the cough. Additionally can expectorant medications Help to loosen stuck mucus, making it easier to cough up. If you have a fever you can fever-reducing medications such as taking ibuprofen to regulate body temperature.

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Ginger is a true miracle cure: It has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves sore throats. © aboikis –

Home remedies for bronchitis

  • Drink unsweetened tea and plenty of water throughout the day – your body needs this now increased fluid intake.
  • Inhale several times a day with a saline solution enriched with chamomile flowers or thyme, for example. Or add a few drops of essential oils like eucalyptus to the hot water. The rising steam has a calming effect on the irritated bronchi and can help to loosen stuck mucus.
  • Few drops Eucalyptus oil on chest and back can open the airways and make breathing easier. This can have a calming effect, especially before bed.
  • Do you Brustwickel with quark or potatoes. The warm, moist wraps are applied for 20 minutes.
  • A mixture of warm Water, fresh ginger, lemon and honey can have a soothing effect on the throat and have anti-inflammatory properties. The honey forms a protective layer in the throat, while the ginger has an anti-inflammatory effect. Lemon juice provides vitamin C, which supports the immune system.
  • In addition to ginger, there is another tasty helper from the kitchen that can help with bronchitis: the chicken soup. This proven home remedy not only warms you from the inside, but can also contribute to a healthy Immune function to support. In addition, chicken meat contains a high Zinc contentwhich can stimulate the immune system.
  • This is a simple but effective home remedy for sore throats and irritations Gargle with warm salt water. This helps loosen mucus and soothes the throat.
  • Low humidity in the room can make the cough worse. Therefore, it is advisable to create optimal conditions in the bedroom by choosing one increased humidity worry. This can be achieved by ventilating before going to bed and then leaving the window slightly open when temperatures are mild. Alternatively, a small bowl of water can be placed on the heater to create additional humidity in the room.
  • It’s as simple as it is effective: put your pillow up. By the Raising the head This prevents unpleasant secretions from flowing back into the throat from the nose and triggering the urge to cough. Place several pillows on top of each other to relieve nighttime coughing.
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Which types of tea help with coughs?

Warm tea can help cough up thick secretions and is particularly pleasant in the first few days of bronchitis, which is characterized by a dry (unproductive) cough. But which type of tea is particularly effective against coughs? The own herb garden offers a variety of medicinal plants that are said to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and expectorant properties. This includes Fennel, sage, thyme, ribwort plantain, licorice root, ivy and cowslip.

In addition, should Marshmallow promote healthy bronchial mucosa. However, this tea should be prepared cold, otherwise this effect cannot develop. Please note that not all herbal teas are suitable for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women. Medical personnel can advise you about which strains to be careful with.

Unfortunately, these home remedies for bronchitis only slowly relieve the symptoms. As a rule, however, these continue to sound seven to 14 days completely off. The cough may linger longer.

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