The “Moroccan Nationality Code” translated into Amazigh

#Moroccan #Nationality #Code #translated #Amazigh

The “Moroccan Nationality Code” was presented on Wednesday at the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture (Ircam) in Rabat, in its Amazigh version.

This translation from Arabic to Amazigh is part of the consolidation of translation activities in the legal field, in which IRCAM is engaged through the completion of several translation projects of various legal texts. , notably the Constitution, among others.

This translation is also part of the action plan of the Center for Translation, Documentation, Publishing and Communication under IRCAM.

The translation of legal texts is of great importance and contributes to filling the void in this area, underlined on this occasion the translator of the work Salima El Koulali, who is also a researcher at the Institute, regretting that only 19 legal texts have been translated into Amazigh.

In a statement to MAP, Ms. El Koulali indicated that IRCAM was dedicated to the translation of this category of texts because of their importance for student researchers, Amazigh language teachers, as well as for the legislative power. .

These translations also serve as a reference for social workers speaking the Amazigh language within the Ministry of Justice, in the different regions of the Kingdom.

For his part, the researcher in Amazigh culture, Najib Rachid, noted that the translation of the Moroccan Nationality Code, published in 1958 and updated in 2011, is part of the measures adopted by the Kingdom for the activation of official character of the Amazigh language, as stipulated in the Constitution and in organic law n°26-16 establishing the stages of the implementation of the official character of the Amazigh language and the modalities of its integration in education and in the different priority sectors of public life.

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He stressed that this translation aims to present to Amazigh-speaking citizens the legal arsenal of the Kingdom and to increase their legal and judicial knowledge.

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