The RN6 soon accessible to vehicles

A detour will be built on the RN6.

Vehicles will be able to travel between Ambondromamy and Antsiranana shortly. Ferries will be installed on Ifasy II and Mahavavy, the bridges cut during the passage of cyclone Gamane in March, to temporarily restore vehicle traffic on national road 6 (RN6). “The vehicles carrying these bins are already on their way,” said a source yesterday.

These bridges are only accessible to pedestrians and goods at this time. They cross rivers by speedboat. These ferries will only be temporary solutions. According to the report of the Council of Ministers of April 24, a diversion is being put in place between PK 537+109 and PK 537+327. Fording crossings will be built between Ifasy II and Mahavavy (PK 568+000, OA 47 Bis) within two and a half months. This work has already started.

A dozen points were wiped out by Cyclone Gamane. Most of these roads would already be repaired. The toughest work awaiting the Ministry of Public Works is the rehabilitation of the Ifasy and Mahavavy bridges.

Miangalya Ralitera

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