The row over the expansion of the A4. Will there be an audit by the Supreme Audit Office?

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The section of the A4 motorway near Wrocław is one of the most congested sections in our country. It is therefore not surprising that road builders have been carrying out activities aimed at rebuilding and simultaneously modernizing the mentioned route for many years. The first contracts for technical, economic and logistic analyzes in this regard were signed in 2019. Unfortunately, the investment has not started to this day, and the problem is the differences of opinion between GDDKiA, the Wrocław authorities and the residents.

The dispute over the A4 motorway on the section between Legnica and Wrocław concerns the route of the new route. Initially, GDDKiA took into account two variants of road expansion. The first one assumed the modernization of the above-mentioned fragment in its current footprint. The second one suggested the possibility of routing the route in a new route, thanks to which the A4 would bypass the capital of Lower Silesia from the south. At the end of November 2023, the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways recommended the expansion of the motorway in the first variant, i.e. in the existing road footprint.

This decision did not please the Wrocław authorities, who sent an official petition to GDDKiA. According to officials, the proposed modernization plan may result in complete paralysis of the southern part of the capital of Lower Silesia. This results from road traffic analyzes and estimates regarding the increase in the number of vehicles traveling on Wrocław’s roads by 2050. Specialists warn that rebuilding the motorway in the current route may result in an increase in traffic at the Bielany junction by nearly 270%. Residents also have a similar opinion and protested the road builders’ decision for fear of their comfort.

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The route expansion option was approved during the meeting as a recommended variant /LUKASZ JOZWIAK/REPORTER /East News

However, GDDKiA remained deaf to any suggestions. The route expansion option was approved during the meeting as a recommended variant. However, running the motorway in a new route was considered an alternative option. Therefore, both projects were included in the application for an environmental decision in this order.

Unfortunately, everything indicates that this is not the end of the dispute. On April 3, 2024, at a press conference in Wrocław, members of the A4 Only in Nowy Ślad Social Committee, together with the Deputy Voivode of Lower Silesia, Piotr Kozdrowicki, announced that they would submit an application to the Supreme Audit Office regarding the inspection of the process of recommending the expansion of the A4 motorway in the so-called old trace.

We have significant doubts about the data collected and presented by the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways. So important that we even put forward the thesis that the data were deliberately manipulated to justify the option of rebuilding the A4 motorway in the old route.

said Deputy Voivode Kozdrowicki.

At the same time, Bogdan Michajluk – a representative of the protesting residents – emphasized the differences in the data presented at the meeting of the investment review team and the meeting of the investment review committee. In his opinion, no research was carried out in the mentioned period, so such differences should not occur at all. In Mihajluk’s opinion, both the expansion variant in the old track and in the new one would lead to the transfer of transit traffic to nearby roads next to the motorway. This would mean the need to develop yet another variant in a new footprint that would meet the growing transport needs and social expectations.


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