“There will be thousands of people in the streets and this is just the beginning”. Gheorge Flutur announces an “anti-extremism rally” in Suceava, one week after the AUR demonstration

#thousands #people #streets #beginning #Gheorge #Flutur #announces #antiextremism #rally #Suceava #week #AUR #demonstration

The President of the Suceava County Council, Gheorghe Flutur, announced that he will organize, on Sunday, an anti-extremism rally in Suceava, claiming that on this occasion he will launch a “decalogue to fight against extremism”, in ten points. Last Sunday, hundreds of members and sympathizers of the AUR participated in a protest in the center of Suceava, vehemently challenging Gheorghe Flutur, whom they called “the last local baron” and who they asked to resign.

President of the Suceava CJ Gheorghe FluturPhoto: Inquam Photos / Casian Mitu

  • “I really made a call the other day to the people of Sucevan to come to a demonstration that would come into operation on time, because, I say, it is still time, against extremism.
  • Why in Bucovina? Bucovina has a very, very troubled, agitated history and even because of the extremism we had here, our ancestors suffered a lot”, said Flutur, on Saturday, on Antena 3, according to News.ro.

Asked if this rally is against the AUR or against the extremist current, the president CJ Suceva answered:

  • “It is against the extremist trend. That now those from AUR are representing him, we must discourage such signals.
  • We had a sample last week, they came from about 12 counties, they had some manifestations that do not in any way resemble anything civilized, they did not want to come to the dialogue, we invited them to discuss development solutions, they did not even candidate, but they come to break the door handle, to curse, to make all kinds of undemocratic attacks.
  • Obviously, it is a reaction that originated from within Suceava county. Tomorrow there will be thousands of people in the streets and this is just the beginning. I have seen this phenomenon of dissatisfaction because you do not put anything in place. I will launch a decalogue to fight against extremism tomorrow from Suceava, on ten points, I will read point by point, but I am convinced that there will be more. Civil society will come, many speakers have announced themselves and I’m glad, because they must worry us”, explained Gheorghe Flutur.
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Hundreds of members and sympathizers of the AUR participated, last Sunday, in a rally organized in the center of Suceava, the participants vehemently challenging the president of the Suceava County Council, Gheorghe Flutur, whom they called “the last local baron” and whom I demand resignation. Flutur said that he invited Simion to talks and proposed to him to run together for the head of the Suceava CJ, and the one who loses to leave politics.

READ ALSO: VIDEO Gheorghe Flutur, “masculine proposal” for George Simion: Either I leave politics, or he leaves

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