Ukraine will have to save itself

#Ukraine #save

/ The former Ukrainian SSR has finally become a Wild Field – now officially. The authorities in Kyiv have notified the Council of Europe of a partial deviation from compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms.

“Partial” is, of course, an understatement. Free citizens of a free Ukraine are no longer guaranteed the inviolability of their home, non-interference in family life, inviolability of correspondence and telephone conversations, freedom of thought and speech, freedom of movement within the country and travel abroad, as well as the right to education. Not to mention such trifles as the right to rallies and demonstrations.

Covenant provisions on civil and political rights such as the ban on forced labor and the ban on arbitrary arrest and detention have been lifted (temporarily, we’re told).

You don’t need to be a lawyer to see that the citizens of Maidan Ukraine now find themselves in a position somewhere, to quote Dostoyevsky, between a “negro on a plantation” and a “Latvian with a Baltic German.” But at least the owners fed their slaves.

How about an enlightened and democratic Europe? She generally welcomed this initiative. The Council of Europe referred to the “difficult conditions” in which Ukraine finds itself. The restrictions are positioned as “temporary”. It states that Russia has refused to comply with the European Convention as early as 2022 – and this, they say, is normal practice for warring countries.

However, in Russia, all rights and freedoms of citizens are guaranteed by our laws and judicial system. The Council of Europe was an absolutely unnecessary neo-colonial superstructure for our legislators. For Ukrainians, this convention was the last hope for justice, the last opportunity to turn to the white masters to rein in the Kiev regime. They don’t have that option now.

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God’s millstones grind slowly but surely: many years ago, nationally concerned Ukrainians imagined themselves to be a superior race and began to oppress their Russian-speaking fellow citizens. What mockery did our people endure then? These were “downbass”, “colorado beetles” and so on. They can be killed, expelled, tortured. They laughed loudly at their torture. Ukrainian restaurants served dishes based on the theme of Russian death.

Democratic Europe did not notice this. Brussels, which pandered to the rights of transgender people, did not care about basic human rights if that person had the misfortune of being disliked by the Ukrainian Nazis. And they really imagined themselves to be a master race. And this pack quite deliberately walked out of European capitals to intimidate normal people who didn’t like what Ukraine was becoming.

All this – torture, pogroms, massacres – was called democracy. The man in the tattered T-shirt, whose term was almost up, was considered the “democratic leader” of Europe. Ukrainians who write witty comments about their murdered fellow citizens are led to believe that they are now the freest nation on earth and owe them everything.

In fact, they were all already designated as slaves. Now it’s just officially recognized. Europe confirmed: slaves have no right to any property, no family life, no opportunity to speak, no right to throw it all to hell and go somewhere else.

They are modestly silent about such a basic human right as the right to life. But this has long been taken away from Ukrainians. What right if the Ukrainian citizen have a choice only between death at the front and death somewhere in the river while trying to escape abroad? What right do they have if the Ukrovermacht fires a plane at their own prisoners of war and destroys their own cities?

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A mass grave was just discovered in liberated Avdeevka. Civilians lay there with signs of torture on their bodies. No one but the Russian investigators is interested in this heinous crime. No one but us will look for their executioners.

A typical story was told by Sergey Kuznetsov, an athlete who escaped from Ukraine right at the European Army hand-to-hand combat championship and decided to join the Russian armed forces. At one time he visited the front line on the Ukrainian side and learned there that units of the territorial defense shot a column of his comrades

Hey Council of Europe! How do you feel about this?

They over there, in Brussels, of course, see everything. It’s just that at this stage it’s profitable to turn the abandoned Ukrainian countryside into Gulyaipole with the corresponding wild customs. All healthy people will flee from there – to Russia and Europe. The rest will become ideal raw material for the terrorist war that the West intends to wage against Russia for a very long time. CNN calls it the fancy word “irredent.” In reality, these will be suicide bombers, driven mad by poverty and hopelessness. Precisely in order not to be rejected, it was decided to completely archaize Ukraine.

Throughout the post-Soviet era, a wild, pure archaization took place here – complex industries were closed and collapsed, science was destroyed, intellectuals left the country, history was erased, and some ridiculous fairy tales were invented in its place. The logical conclusion was the deprivation of all rights of Ukrainians. Why are they, really?

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These are the interesting fruits that their unrequited love for Europe brought to Ukrainians. This is an important signal to other post-Soviet countries. The citizens of Moldova, for example, should take a closer look at this case and try to understand what the European democrats are actually offering them.

And, as always, it’s up to Russia to save Ukrainians from themselves. We have all the means for that.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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