What is the Tundra Biome, Types and Examples of Flora and Fauna

#Tundra #Biome #Types #Examples #Flora #Fauna

CELEBESMEDIA.ID, Makassar – Tundraas biome the coldest, known for frozen landscapes, extreme low temperatures, minimal rainfall, less fertile soil, and a short growing season.

Nevertheless, some Flora and fauna able to adapt to these extreme conditions.

Characteristics biome tundra

As explained by the University of California Museum of Paleontology (UCMP), it includes a very cold climate, low biodiversity, simple vegetation structure, limited drainage, a short growing season, nutrients provided by dead organic matter, and large population fluctuations.

Tundra divided into two main types: arctic tundra and alpine tundra.

1. Tundra Arctic

Tundra The Arctic is located in the northern region of the earth, surrounding the north pole and extending southward to reach the coniferous taiga forests.

The Arctic region is characterized by cold, desert-like conditions, with a short growing season ranging from 50 to 60 days.

Flora and fauna of the Arctic tundra

The flora and fauna of the Arctic tundra includes a variety of plants capable of surviving extreme conditions.

About 1,700 types of plants can be found in the arctic and subarctic, including low shrubs, mosses, and grasses.

This plant adapts to wind and low temperatures by growing short and in clusters.

Fauna includes herbivorous mammals such as arctic hares, lemmings and squirrels, as well as carnivorous mammals such as wolves, arctic foxes and polar bears.

2. Tundra Alpine

Alpine tundra is located at altitudes where trees cannot grow, for example mountainous areas

The growing season lasts about 180 days with nighttime temperatures below freezing.

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Soil drainage in alpine tundra is better compared to arctic tundra.

The flora of the alpine tundra is similar to that found in Arctic regions, including dwarf trees, small shrubs, shrubs and tussock grass.

Some fauna that live in the alpine tundra and adapt well include mountain goats, sheep, deer, beetles, and butterflies.***

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