With these home remedies, the annoying blisters will finally disappear again

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Painful blisters on the lip, nose or even in the genital area – herpes is not a nice thing. Fortunately, cold sores can also be treated with simple home remedies. With these 12 home remedies, the blisters will heal faster.

In the clip: This is how herpes develops – and this helps against it

How does herpes develop?

Cold sores occur when a… infection with the Herpes-simplex-Virus Typ 1 has taken place. Herpes viruses are transmitted through:

  • Droplet infection, for example when speaking, sneezing, coughing
  • direct contact with the skin and mucous membranes, for example when kissing, having sexual intercourse or touching the blisters
  • Smear infection, for example when using shared cutlery and glasses

Many of us find herpes an embarrassing disease, but we are not alone. Around 90 percent of the German population carries the herpes virus. After Initial infection the virus remains in the body for life. Most people do not show any symptoms, but for some the virus becomes active again and again and appears in the form of cold sores if their immune system is disturbed in the long or short term.

These are some triggers for cold sores:

  • Diseases or medications that suppress the immune system
  • Infectious diseases or fever
  • Cancer diseases
  • Hormonal changes, for example during pregnancy or menstruation
  • Psychological stress such as stress and fatigue
  • strong sunlight (the skin’s immune cells are suppressed)
  • Facial treatments, for example laser treatments and peels or long dental treatments

Treat herpes: These 12 home remedies help against herpes

When the blisters appear on the lips, it can become uncomfortable and painful for you. But what helps against herpes? The following home remedies against herpes provide relief and accelerate the healing process.

Honey for herpes

Honey was already used as a medicine in ancient times because, among other things, it has properties antiviral properties. A study conducted in 2004 at the Dubai Specialized Medical Center & Medical Research Labs found that treating cold sores with honey Healing process was 43 percent faster than treatment with the drug acyclovir. Therefore, honey, especially Manuka honey, is a powerful remedy against cold sores. If you are struggling with herpes, apply some honey to the affected area on your lips using a cotton swab. However, keep in mind that supermarket honey is not sterile. In the Pharmacy you get one medicinal honeywhich is used for wound healing and is also suitable for applying to cold sores.

Tea tree oil for herpes

Tea tree oil has a long tradition in natural medicine and is used for various skin problems used. Researchers at Heidelberg University found that tea tree oil shows significant anti-herpetic effectiveness in test tubes. In addition, tea tree oil has been shown in clinical studies anti-infection properties be detected. If you want to use the oil to treat your herpes, apply it to the affected areas three to four times a day. If you have sensitive skin, dilute the tea tree oil with a little water.

Zinc ointment for herpes

You can also treat cold sores with one medicinal zinc ointment treat. This dries out the herpes blisters and ensures faster healing. The zinc oxide contained in the zinc ointment has a antiseptic and wound healing promoting effect. Therefore, zinc ointment is effective against herpes.

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Lemon balm for herpes

Help from nature: Like tea tree oil, lemon balm oil also helps against herpes. © nikolaydonetsk – stock.adobe.com

The oil also works like tea tree oil Lemon balm anti-infection. In one study, the oil reduced the infection of a cell culture with herpes viruses by more than 97 percent. It inhibited the viruses from multiplying and prevented them from infecting the cells. The oil, like tea tree oil, is used externally as a home remedy for cold sores.

Black tea for herpes

Black tea has a high proportion of Tannic (vegetable tannins). Tannins interact strongly with proteins and alter protein structure and functionality. They can therefore also prevent the functionality of the proteins in the virus shell. They therefore have an antiviral and antibacterial effect. Also contains black tea Antioxidants and Vitaminswho the Healing process of the skin stimulate. Let the black tea steep in the hot water and then remove the tea bag. After it has cooled, dab the cold sore with the tea bag. Repeat this several times a day until the cold sore goes away.

Aloe vera against herpes

Aloe vera hat antimicrobial and wound healing properties and is therefore used as a supportive measure for the treatment of cold sores. The extract from aloe vera leaves is said to inactivate the herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2. Research conducted in 2016 at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences and Health Services in Iran found that aloe vera gel inhibited the growth of herpes simplex viruses in cultured cells. Apply the gel directly to the herpes sores. Make sure that it is pure aloe vera gel without any perfume additives.

Ice cubes for herpes

If the cold sore is still in its early stages, cooling the affected area makes it more difficult for the herpes viruses to multiply. The cold also helps relieve pain and reduce swelling. To do this, wrap ice cubes or a cold pack in a clean cloth and place it on the affected area of ​​the lips.

Sage for herpes

The herb garden also has a home remedy for herpes: The word sage comes from Latin (“salvare”) and means “to heal”. The herb has been one of the most used medicinal herbs since ancient times. There sage oil antiseptic works and prevents the growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi, it is also a good home remedy for herpes. Like most other lip herpes home remedies, apply the oil to the affected area on the lips with a cotton swab.

Turmeric for herpes

The active ingredient curcumin contained in turmeric is for its… strongly anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties known. It is therefore also suitable as a home remedy for lip herpes. To do this, place a slice of turmeric root on the cold sore and let it take effect. Note: Turmeric discolors skin and textiles.

You can find out more about the healthy effects of turmeric here.

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Many sufferers swear by turmeric, also known as turmeric. The root is said to be a helpful home remedy against herpes. © monticellllo – stock.adobe.com

Garlic for herpes

Several studies have antiviral effect von Garlic with its organic sulfur compounds and lectins. To use garlic as a home remedy for herpes, place a slice of garlic on the affected area of ​​skin and let it work for ten to 15 minutes. Repeat this treatment up to five times daily.

Apple cider vinegar for herpes

Almost everyone has apple cider vinegar in their kitchen. But it can do much more than just refine food. Apple cider vinegar works antibacterial and dries die Herpes blisters out of. Dab it several times a day with a cotton swab soaked in organic apple cider vinegar. However, it can burn if the apple cider vinegar comes into contact with the area of ​​skin affected by herpes.

High-proof alcohol against herpes

Alcohol disinfects and kills viruses. If you use alcohol early, the formation of herpes blisters can be prevented. This is also applied to the affected skin areas with a cotton swab.

Treat herpes correctly: Be careful of these home remedies

Helps toothpaste against herpes? The answer is clear No. Toothpaste is said to help the blisters mature faster. However, the toothpaste dries on the crust and when it is removed, this protective crust is removed with it. The fluid that comes out then infects other areas. In addition, the toothpaste can cause the wound to burst open, delaying healing.

Lemon juice is also not recommended as a herpes home remedy. The juice of the lemon has an antibacterial effect, but not an antiviral effect and therefore does not kill the herpes viruses. In addition, the wound burns when it comes into contact with the fruit acid.

Salt is also painful on a wound. Therefore, from Salt not recommended as a home remedy for herpes. Although salt dries out cold sores, it does not stop the spread of viruses.

In the video: This is definitely not how genital herpes should be treated

Preventing herpes: This is how it works

Unfortunately, it is not possible to eliminate the herpes viruses that have settled in the body. But with the following Measures can you Lips-Herpes prevent:

  • Support your immune system: Herpes breaks out when the immune system is weakened. You can support your immune system through a balanced diet, exercise, relaxation and other measures. Vitamins such as D3 and K2 as well as vitamin C additionally strengthen the immune system.
  • Build Stress ab: If the body is under constant stress, it has a bad effect on the immune system. You can reduce stress through yoga, relaxation exercises, mindfulness and time for yourself.
  • Refrain on Luxury foods: Alcohol and nicotine also weaken your immune system. It is therefore best to avoid these luxury foods. This will do your whole body something good and also avoid premature aging processes.
  • Avoid strong UV radiation: A lot of sun can also reactivate the herpes virus. Always make sure you have sufficient UV protection – this will also help you prevent wrinkles and pigment spots.
  • Avoid dry skin: If the skin barrier is disturbed, pathogens penetrate more easily from the outside and herpes can break out more easily. Always keep your skin supple. Moisturizers with ceramides (basic building blocks that occur naturally in the skin) protect the skin barrier.
  • Avoid a diet high in salt: A Berlin study on rodents suggests that too much salt consumption has a bad effect on the immune system and slows down wound healing.
  • Take L-lysine for herpes: This is an essential amino acid that is the counterpart to L-arginine, which the herpes viruses feed on. L-lysine is found in high amounts in tuna, parmesan, pork and soybeans. At the pharmacy you can also get special tablets that you can take as soon as your lip tingles.
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Here you can find more home remedies for your health

It doesn’t always have to be medication – home remedies can also help you and your health in many cases. Here you will find exciting information on the topics of home remedies for heartburn, home remedies for nausea, treating nail fungus with home remedies, the best home remedies for headaches and migraines, home remedies for constipation, home remedies for a stye on the eye, natural remedies for bladder infections and home remedies for canker sores.

What really helps with herpes quickly?

In addition to the home remedies mentioned above, antiviral creams with the active ingredients acyclovir and penciclovir can shorten the course of herpes somewhat. It’s best to apply it as soon as the first symptoms appear. The earlier you start treatment, the faster the blisters will heal.

Why do I get cold sores?

Cold sores occur when those affected are infected with the herpes simplex virus type 1. After the initial infection, the virus remains in the body for life. Most people show no symptoms. But for some, the virus becomes active again and again and appears in the form of cold sores if their immune system is disrupted for a long or short period of time.

What is the fastest way to dry out herpes?

Medicated zinc ointment dries out the herpes blisters and contributes to faster healing. The zinc oxide contained in the zinc ointment has an antiseptic and wound healing effect.

What shouldn’t you do if you have herpes?

Because herpes is contagious, avoid kissing others if you have blisters on your lips. Use your own towels, glasses, dishes and cutlery and wash or rinse them at at least 60 degrees to kill the viruses. Do not scratch the blisters or use home remedies that may further irritate the wound. These include toothpaste, lemon juice and salt.

How long is herpes contagious?

Herpes sores are contagious as long as they are visible. It takes approximately two weeks for them to fully heal. When fluid comes out of the herpes blisters, the risk of infection is highest. The risk of transmission decreases significantly when the blisters have crusted over and no new ones appear.

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