Yakup Hasibuan easily misses his children, restless every time he works until the evening

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Lawyer Yakup Hasibuan reveals the changes felt after having children. Jessica Mila’s husband gets homesick easily.

“Sure, when you come home at night you just want to rush to play,” he said when met in the Senayan area, Central Jakarta, yesterday.

Apart from being anxious when working late at night, Yakup feels that every morning his life is always colorful. He always tries to invite Kyarra Arunika Hasibuan to play.

“It should be other people, if self-esteem is difficult. But of course every morning I’m happy, when I wake up there’s joy, there’s a new routine before I go to the office to play,” he said.

The son of the famous lawyer Otto Hasibuan said he always tried to intervene to look after the children. Although many people want to help him with this.

“There are two of us of course, but we also get a lot of help because our extended family includes brothers, father, mother, so we are grateful for the help,” he said.

Yakup has no problem staying up late after having a baby. Even so, he didn’t feel tired because of this.

“Yes, of course babies wake up every 2 hours, so like it or not, we wake up too, because they are still crying loudly, they are still small. Just because there is a feeling of happiness, joy, so they don’t feel tired either,” he said.

Yakup Hasibuan said that neither he nor Jessica Mila felt the baby blues. They consider God’s grace in giving them children to have overcome all obstacles.

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“Because of our first child, we are still looking for baby blues, people say it’s sad and other things, but so far there aren’t any. We’re still overwhelmed with joy,” he said.

Watch the video “Jessica Mila and Yakup Hasibuan’s preparation for the task of taking care of their children”


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