You can almost feel the atmosphere of a second regime change

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The “stumbles” of the Tisza Party are caused by the fact that there were no pre-formulated plans, constructions prepared in dark rooms. “The momentum, the temper, the people’s holding together, which drives this engine,” said Reformed pastor Zoltán Tarr, candidate for EP representative of the Tisza Party in the ATV Straight Talk in his show.

According to Tarr, what is happening in the country now is a “tremendous speed storm” in which well-intentioned people, inexperienced in politics, are trying to move forward on the basis of morals and convictions. In connection with their candidacy for the EP, he spoke about the fact that in their professional life they have gained significant experience on boards, committees and other areas, so they know how to function as a representative in a community.

Regarding the identity of the Tisza Party, he said that it is clear from the statements of Péter Magyar and the other members that they cannot be compared to the grouping that is today called the left, nor to the right. Their program is being developed, they are working on it, according to Magyar, he is visiting the countryside to gather experience. He talked about the fact that the interest that has developed in their direction is endangered in the sense that there is fear among people. “We know of several people who go to another settlement to meet Péter, because they don’t dare in their own settlement.” But they feel that

there is a joyful expectation in the people, “almost a second regime change is what the mood of it is felt”

he said. Regarding Zoltán Balog, Tarr said that the stated purpose of his appearance on April 6 was to talk about Balog and the intertwining of politics and the church. According to him, the fact that the synod held two weeks ago did not take a position on his case is both noticeable and disappointing. He hopes that Balog will step back voluntarily. “Zoltán is also a sensitive, spiritual person, a pastor who takes his vocation seriously,” he said. He hopes that his current attitude will change and that he will also leave his position as bishop.

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Zoltán Tarr, the former Reformed pastor and ex-synod councilor, became nationally known after he spoke at Péter Magyar’s demonstration on April 6 on Kossuth square. There, he spoke about how he considers the actions of Reformed bishop Zoltán Balog unacceptable and his behavior since the outbreak of the grace scandal. A few days after the demonstration, Tarrt he was fired from his job, from János Neumann Nonprofit Kft. belonging to the Ministry of Economic Affairs. According to him, his dismissal was clearly politically motivated. This was not denied by Tamás Menczer, Fidesz’s communications director.

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