a child waits 10 hours in the hospital, he dies on his return home

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The story had moved England. In March 2020, a family called an ambulance because their 15-month-old son had a rash and difficulty breathing. On the way to the hospital, the little boy’s temperature rose to 40.7 degrees. The newspaper L’Independant, which relays this terrible story, also specifies that his heart rate reached 207 beats per minute during the journey.

The child’s parents say the little boy and his father spent more than 10 hours in the emergency room at the Countess of Chester hospital before being sent home. They left with a treatment consisting of an equivalent of pediatric Efferalgan and Ibuprofen.

Quoted by the website The Standard, his mother assures that he had “looks a little better” and that he ate yogurt, blueberries and asked for juice, even though the rash was still present. However, 48 hours after returning home, the mother discovered her son lifeless. An autopsy revealed that he suffered from two viral infections and one type of bacterial infection.


In the United Kingdom, an investigation was opened to determine the causes of the little boy’s death and a hearing was held before the Cheshire court. Through tears, a pediatrician agreed that the little boy should have undergone further evaluation, with blood tests and a prescription for antibiotics to treat warning signs of sepsis.

For her part, the paramedic also confirmed that it was a serious case and that the little boy was suffering from poor blood circulation in his hands and feet, and had extensive skin rash. She said she suspected sepsis when he was handed over to hospital staff. The hospital admitted responsibility for the child’s death.

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VIDEO – Sepsis: what are the symptoms of this bacterial infection?

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