‘Britney Spears banned from luxury Los Angeles hotel after topless swimming’ | Gossip

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Britney Spears is reportedly no longer welcome at the Four Seasons hotel in Los Angeles. Guests are said to have complained after the singer went into the pool topless several times, reports The Sun.

Although Britney has been a regular guest at the luxury hotel for years, she is said to have caused headaches for the employees in recent times. “She has been banished before. At one point she was welcome again, but now she has been banned again,” the insider tells the British newspaper.

Several guests are said to have spoken out about the pop icon’s behavior. The star’s topless swimming would make them uncomfortable. “Britney may be a world star, but she can’t just do whatever she wants at the Four Seasons. A lot of important and wealthy guests come and spend thousands of dollars there,” said the insider.

Britney has been in the news a lot lately due to her behavior. She regularly posts spicy photos and videos on Instagram.

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