Does the money for support to Ukraine really go directly to Kyiv? The numbers tell otherwise

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It is estimated that since the start of the full-scale invasion, the United States has spent $113 billion through different funding sources to combat Russian aggression. The numbers sound really impressive, but that doesn’t mean that 113 billion actually reached Kyiv.

These funds are intended to support Ukraine, America’s partners in conflict-affected regions, and US national security programs. This means that this money went not only to Kyiv, but also to the American institutions themselves, as well as to other US partners.

Since the start of the full-scale war, the United States has sent more than $75 billion in military, economic and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. dollars of funds and equipment. But again, these numbers should be looked at in more detail. Not all of them are for US military aid. In addition, even the money intended for military aid often remains in America itself – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky certainly does not receive it in his bank account.

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