Does this really help with insulin resistance and how do you do an oat cleanse?

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“Have you ever tried oat days?” Many people with diabetes have probably heard this sentence. But do oat days really help with insulin resistance? The most important information at a glance.

Diabetes: What are oat days?

The so-called oat days go back to the German doctor Carl von Noorden. Von von Noorden conducted research in the field of diabetology at the beginning of the 20th century and developed the “oat diet cure”.

According to the German Diabetes Aid, an oat cure can help in the short term to increase the cells’ sensitivity to insulin and improve blood sugar regulation.

To do this, you eat only oats, broth and water for two to three days. A small amount of fruit, vegetables and herbs are also allowed, according to the German Diabetes Aid. All other foods, however, are taboo.

By the way: When it comes to the causes of diabetes, a distinction must be made between type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Insulin resistance: Do oat days help with diabetes?

The effectiveness of oat days is controversial. According to the AOK, many people swear by it. Others are skeptical.

In fact, according to the German Diabetes Society, there are only a few studies that deal with the treatment concept of oat cures.

For a 2008 study, 14 overweight type 2 diabetes patients ate oat meals containing just 1,100 calories for two days. The result:

  • The average blood sugar level fell after just two days and was even lower four weeks after the treatment than at the start.
  • In addition, the patients’ insulin dosage was reduced by approximately 40 percent.
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However, the AOK points out that this data should be viewed critically. The number of study participants was small and there was no control group.

Professor Dr. Johannes Erdmann from the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University in Weidenbach comes to the conclusion for the German Diabetes Society that the positive thing about diets like the Oat Days is the defatting of the liver. This allows beta cell function to normalize and the insulin dose to be reduced.

First and foremost, it is important to develop a nutritional therapy concept in order to achieve lasting weight loss. Oat days are not necessarily the best choice for this. That’s the expert’s conclusion.

How do you do an oat cleanse?

According to the AOK, an oat cure reduces your calorie intake to 800 to 1000 kilocalories per day. To do this, you eat three oat meals per day – without any snacks in between. The meals consist of 75 grams of oat flakes, which are prepared with water or vegetable broth.

The AOK also recommends that you should drink at least two liters of water or unsweetened tea per day. This prevents you from getting digestive problems due to the high fiber content.

But be careful: Before you start an oat treatment, you should definitely talk to your doctor. During the treatment your metabolism changes. According to the AOK, people who inject insulin may need to adjust the amount of insulin to avoid hypoglycemia.

By the way: There are significant differences between type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

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