Elena Udrea proposes the employment of prisoners on construction sites in the country

#Elena #Udrea #proposes #employment #prisoners #construction #sites #country

From behind bars, Elena Udrea sends a message to all Romanian employers and politicians, noting that a good option for the reintegration of prisoners into society would be their employment on various construction sites in the country, instead of foreign workers.

Elena Udrea claims that employing prisoners would, moreover, be a much more advantageous option for employers, who would obtain safer labor and at much lower costs.

Elena Udrea suggests hiring prisoners instead of foreign workers

The builders of the Pitesti – Sibiu highway complain that they do not have workers and are looking for labor in the villages along the site’s route. Because they can’t find it, they said they will call on foreign workers. Why don’t they hire inmates?

Instead of filling the country with Africans and Asians, wouldn’t it be better to give work to tens of thousands of convicts, who are sitting idle in prisons?

It is a much more advantageous option for employers, who would obtain safer labor and at much lower costs, thus bringing benefits to both the penitentiaries, which collect part of the salaries, and the inmates,” Elena Udrea, from the prison, said.

According to it, prisoners would have the opportunity to earn money and reduce their prison time, but the crucial aspect is to maintain their work capacity, their rehabilitation and their more efficient and rapid integration into society after release.

Elena Udrea. Photo source: EVZ Archive

The state would spend 400 million euros on the maintenance of the prisoners

Elena Udrea claims that the state would spend 400,000,000 euros annually on the maintenance of prisoners, so, in her opinion, it is a good idea to reintroduce the punishment with execution at the workplace.

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A more pragmatic approach is needed at the level of the Ministry of Justice, which has in mind not only filling the prisons in Romania and building new ones by spending hundreds of millions of euros, but dealing with the reintegration and rehabilitation of prisoners, which would reduce the degree high rate of recidivism that Romania has and would combat criminality.

It is a good idea to reintroduce the punishment with execution at the workplace, so used and effective in the past”, Elena Udrea also sent on Facebook.

The former minister also says that once the prisoners are employed, there will be no need to bring in foreign workers for the construction of highways in Romania.

Builders of the Pitesti-Sibiu highway, labor crisis

The message sent by Elena Udrea comes after the builders working on the two sections of the Pitesti-Sibiu highway complain that they encounter significant difficulties in recruiting labor. Residents of the area refuse to accept employment, even on salaries that start at 1,000 euros net monthly.

Sibiu – Pitesti highway. Photo source: EVZ Archive

For example, in the town of Racovita, the opinions of the inhabitants are divided. Some believe that there is money, but there is also a great deal of work.

At the same time, others believe that the social benefits offered by the state prompt many to refuse the generous salary package offered by companies.

The mayor says another reason for the labor shortage is that young people have left the villages and the remaining elderly population is too old to work in construction.

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