Here’s the military technique to fall asleep anywhere in less than two minutes

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Fall asleep anywhere and anytime is a ability that we generally envy of babies. No matter the noise around, we find them peacefully in the land of dreams, in peace. Even if fatigue sometimes knocks us out, getting to sleep (and staying there) is not always easy. We toss and turn, think, visit the bathroom, adjust the blanket. No, it’s not coming. The palm of the bad idea is to seize his smartphone and get lost in the twists and turns of an endless scroll.

THE screensit is proven, contribute to maintaining our awake brain. Diffused light and constantly moving content are nothing like counting animals jumping over an imaginary fence in your head. However, not everyone has a fertile imagination and we can imagine that sheep can also scare some people (with their weird eyes). In short, finding a method to fall asleep quickly is a real quest. Ironically, social networks are full of them. You should therefore remember to consult them before bedtime to avoid a counterproductive effect.

Fall asleep like in the army

Whether it’s brain taping orbreathing exercisesyou can find online various approaches to fall asleep quickly and efficiently. A quality sleep is the guarantor of a good health so you might as well be able to rest anywhere and anytime. Applying certain methods from the comfort of your bed is obviously easier. However, a new method promises to plunge into the arms of Morpheus by two minuteswatch in hand, regardless of the surrounding conditions.

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For this, it relies on training that we find in thearmy. As recalled, the Huffington Postthe military must be able to to rest whenever the opportunity presents itself. For that, fall asleep in the blink of an eye is a serious asset. Don’t panic, this approach does not involve hiring the services of an adjutant who will come and shout and threaten you when you go to bed. It’s not even a question of knowing how to make your bed square. In fact, we are rather approaching a form of relaxation-meditation.

A progressive method

In order to fall asleep like a soldier, you must start by focus on breathing. Gradually, we relax your muscles to help with the détente of his entire body. The idea is to move forward in a wave, on the face, then down. The neck and shoulder area should be relaxed. Above all, we never stop breathe deeply. Little by little, the relaxing wave should reach the arms and hands, then the fingers. We then visualize a heat which follows the same path and runs through our body, all the way to the tips of our toes. Everything remains guided by inspirations and exhalations. Finally, you need to visualize a situation of absolute calm. You can imagine yourself floating on a canoe in the middle of a peaceful lake (avoid if you are aquaphobic or after having seen the second opus ofAquaman). The finale involves visualizing a comfortable hammock in a dark room in which nothing disturbs you.

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A necessary practice

Experts who recommend this military technique guarantee that it can be fall asleep in two minutes. However, this does not happen overnight. It’s necessary practice for good master this relaxation and achieve calm your mind. It would be enough to six weeks for it to bear fruit, provided that you repeat the exercise every day of course. If you decide to test this approach, give yourself time to achieve real effectiveness.

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As a reminder, a quality sleep allows lutter against the risks of cardiovascular illnessesbut also against the development of land favorable toobesity. In winter in particular, this also helps to strengthen your immunity. Cerebral level, the capacities of memory and learning will only be better. There cell regeneration is more active (thanks for the complexion!) and the hormones you stress are decreasing. Falling asleep without wasting time is therefore precious. It’s up to you to find the way that suits you best.

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