Houthis claim to be behind the shooting of a Greek cargo ship in the Red Sea

#Houthis #claim #shooting #Greek #cargo #ship #Red #Sea


A cargo ship belonging to a Greek company in the Red Sea was the target of shelling. The Yemeni rebel group, Houthi, claimed to be behind the shooting.

Reported AFP, Wednesday (17/1/2024), the Ambrey company as the ship owner said that the Maltese-flagged ship was the target of fire and was hit by speed while transiting in the southern Red Sea. The ship is known to have sailed from Vietnam to Israel.

“The ship, which had been visiting Israel since the outbreak of the war in Gaza and was headed to the Suez Canal, changed course and headed to port after the incident,” the company said.

Sources at the Greek Maritime Ministry said the ship, named Zografia, contained 24 crew members. The ship suffered minimal damage due to missile attacks from the Houthi group.

“The Zografia sustained limited damage… but is still in a navigable condition, and is continuing its journey,” the source said.

The Houthi group admitted to being the actor in the attack on the Greek cargo ship in the Red Sea. The Houthis consider the cargo ship to be linked to Israel.

The Houthis said their forces ‘conducted a targeting operation’ against the ship with several naval missiles after the crew did not respond to warnings. The statement from the Houthis also explained that they had vowed to continue the attack until Israeli aggression stopped and the siege on the Gaza Strip was lifted.

The owner of the cargo ship attacked by the Houthi group was a company called Ambrey in Greece. The ship was full of cargo. Reported by , a report obtained by the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) bureau said the location of the shooting of the Greek cargo ship was 100 nautical miles southwest of Saleef.

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There was another attack on a Maltese cargo ship 76 nautical miles northwest of Saleef Harbor in Yemen. However, the ship was said to contain no passengers or cargo.

The Iran-aligned Houthi group has threatened to expand its targets in the Red Sea in protest against Israel’s bombing of Gaza to include US ships in response to American and British attacks on its sites in Yemen.


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