Index – Abroad – Kim Jong-un made a fatal and ominous statement

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Kim Jong-un said that inter-Korean relations “have become a relationship between two hostile countries and two belligerents at war,” the North Korean leader is quoted as saying by CNN.

It is time to face reality and clarify our relationship with the South

– said Kim, then added that if the United States and South Korea were to attack his country, they would respond with the “deterrent power of nuclear war”.

The leader stated that “by working together for reconciliation and unification”, the two countries are dealing with people who see them as enemies and are “only waiting for the opportunity to unite them by destroying the current regime”.

North and South Korea have technically still been at war since the end of the Korean War in 1953, but there have been efforts by both governments to one day reunite the two countries. Tensions have escalated in recent years after Kim Jong-un increased the country’s nuclear arsenal despite international sanctions.

As we wrote on the Index, the North Korean leader called for an increase in war preparations on the second day of the year-end plenary meeting of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea on Thursday. In his speech, Kim Jong-un also addressed the sector responsible for ammunition production, nuclear weapons production, and civil defense.

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